The Years..................


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Feb 10, 2009
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Morehead City / Newport NC
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First time on in awhile folks.My Dad finally past this past saturday from his battle with lung cancer.Not had much sleep & am up tonight with not much to do.So thought I'd get on here & show one of the displays I just got done with.Each & everything you see in these pics. that will follow is all things me & my dad have found here on the coast of N.C.Anytime someone would like to see a close up of a piece I'd be happy to do that for ya.Over the coming days & weeks as I get time I will be setting up displays & working on this.So more will follow in time just have alot of things to do otherwise as well.So check back from time to time if you like.It will take awhile to go though everything & find all of it to display.Hope you all enjoy.I sure have enjoyed it with my dad.Thanks


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Sorry for your loss, I don't know what I would do without my father he doesn't hunt that much but supports me and enjoys seeing the things that I find...that collection is amazing! One of my best friends lost his father a few years ago and he left him an amazing collection too. I can see it in his eyes every time he talks about his daddy and shows me something amazing that his father found, the heartache mixed with happiness in his eyes...keep you head up buddy. Your collection looks like NC stuff?

My condolences to you and your family. I lost my dad to cancer as well back in 1994.

Sorry for your loss, condolences to you and your family. On a brighter note, the collection looks better than ever. Thanks for the view.

My condolences to your and your family on the loss of your father. It's great to see that you keeping the collection intact and displaying it with pride. We really appreciate you taking the time to share this with us.

Question though, in those last two pictures on your first post, are those Beads or are they all Pipe Stems from Trade Pipes?
Thanks Reaper man,they are all pipe stem pieces,but I do have some stone beads I'll post later on.Today was the first day I've been able to get some sleep since last wednesday when he started taking a turn for the worst if you could say that.Really the suffing needed to end so it was best.I'll be getting back on it this weekend maybe.I'm also trying to teach my sister as we go through so she can pic things out she would like to have as she knew he loved to spend his spare time doing this.

Take Care,

Sorry about your Dad, cancer is a sad way to leave this world. I lost my Dad the same way 6 years ago.
He planted my first arrowhead where I would find it, we had a lot of good times together huntin' the fields for artifacts.
He died when I was 42, and I was feeling quite upset that he died at 68 as I was planning on having him around for a long time.
But then a guy stopped by I hardly knew, and told me how he found his Dad after he committed suicide when he was 12 years old. That really put things in perspective for me, and made me appreciate all the good years I had with my Dad.
Very much the same,I'm 40 he was 64.Sorry for your lost...............
Take Care,
& Best to you & Yours

Timekiller: My condolence on the passing of your father. Sounds like he's a great man. I was wondering if you know what stone is in your image #12
They are awesome. Thank you for sharing all. Katdancing
Thank You,if I counted right it's the two with the ruler,I would call the one banded slate,& the other Rhyolite.
Take Care,

Thanks To EVERYONE else for your kind words & Best wishes.Nice to know people still care in this word means alot to me.
Take Care,

Timekiller I can see your dad was your mentor and put you on a path full of adventure and smiles. You are one lucky guy to have had a father like that. Find joy though that he taught you so much and you now carry on. Fantastic collection.... Am I seeing a raw gold hammered pendant? I am sorry for your loss sir.
Kind regards,

Timekiller I can see your dad was your mentor and put you on a path full of adventure and smiles. You are one lucky guy to have had a father like that. Find joy though that he taught you so much and you now carry on. Fantastic collection.... Am I seeing a raw gold hammered pendant? I am sorry for your loss sir.
Kind regards,
Hey there Buddy,Thanks for the well written words.:thumbsup:
About the pendant,I found it in a shell midden.I've gotten where I'll use the detector at some sites here on the coast that seem to be mixed with colonial & native artifacts.I've gone as far as I can go on the net. with research but this type of triangle pendant is quite rare as far as I know the only others found are in the tide water region of Virginia found by archies in grave sites.I really need to follow up on it better some day as it seems they can find out it's composition of metals & would determine rather it is Native Copper-Or European.As for it's look it is how it was dug never done nothing to it.I've found that digging brass & some copper items in some of these shell middens come out sorta like this.I can only assume that the decaying shells give off alot of alkaline & is why these areas once dug in have the stink they do.It does affect the metals for sure as I've dug many objects from areas like such that the brass & copper items came out sorta shiny.The funny thing is most after out awhile tend to start turning back to the norm for a object of that period.But this pendant has never done that yet.So it could be that it has gold or silver in it as well.
This site tells about the composition of these type items.................
If you are real interrested in it as I was you can follow the links that I gave in the pic. above some of them will take you back to the post the day I found it & the people I talked to about it.It's a pretty cool piece in my book & something most on here would over look at how rare they are.But That's what I've found out about them until I have more time someday to have a specialist look at it.
Take Care,
All the best to you & yours.
Reguards Pete,:hello:

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Good read on the copper compositions of native copper versus european. So only by having it tested will you know if it was a true copper culture artifact or possibly trade copper. It seems that the technology of the copper culture was at its height when contact or trade was established? Am I able to assume that? Very nice item and one of good interest.
Some post stand out. This is one of those. Good luck in all your hunts.

Sorry to hear about your father, great collection of artifacts.

Thank you Time Killer. I have a collection of personal finds, but some of the material is really special looking. I will try to post some of my
favorites. Not very good with computers though. Will try my best.

Have a good one - Katdancing

I've got another display set up for you folks enjoy.
Take Care,


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timekiller said:
I've got another display set up for you folks enjoy.
Take Care,

Holy snikeys! I'm speechless. I have one of those double grooved things. What are they? It would be nice for mine to be called by it's proper name. Double grooved thing isn't appealing.

Man oh man....thanks. one of those pipes has been on the top of my things to find list for a long time.

Holy snikeys! I'm speechless. I have one of those double grooved things. What are they? It would be nice for mine to be called by it's proper name. Double grooved thing isn't appealing.
Mine is a type of double grove ax Buddy.
Thanks & Take Care,

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