The True Story of Victorio Peak

well dang
let me get 'em done first ,,, geese its
you is pushy ( heh heh )

Sex on Silk has for one chapter , A very interesting life story of mine from childhood .

I was questioned by N.S.A. agents at an early age concerning a lost mine and a hoard of bars that had been smelted
from the Ore of the mine .

They showed up at our Home and told my mother : " We need to use the Boy again "

The Boy being me ,

it had to do with an ability I had that most of us have , yet we do not use it ,

They began by showing photo's of the Superstition Mountains of Arizona .

Interestingly enough , I had nothing for them on That Area , I told them what they sought had already been
removed and was in the public domain ( meaning , it was sold for U.S. Currency , and that Money was circulating )

The one Agent was this Silver Haired and Tongued Gentleman ,,, who smiled and asked about a Lost Padre Mine
somewhere in New Mexico as he said it .

I smiled back with ,,, THAT ONE , you know you need to leave alone .

Understand one very distinct position of the U.S. System ,,, it is as Corrupt as Murdering Red People , in order to gain
land , to bring Black people to work as Slaves Picking Cotton ,,,

and then ,,,, See what I mean ?

I at a very early stage of life , was introduced to the machinations of the U.S. Governing System .

I was Clairvoyant ,,, and that was all it took to gain their attention to me .

The Books are all non-fiction

Some are so conditioned to believe they live in the greatest country in the UNIVERSE ,,,

that they will scoff at the material .

as you've seen in this forum .

The actual Country that WAS the greatest in this World ,,,

was here ,,, it really was ,,,

it was not United into states,,,,

and it was prior to 1492 .

They had none of the BAD things we have

and they had the ONE GOOD thing we do not have

They had Paradise , loved it , respected it , and it bore them with grace .

We could have had Paradise ,,,,

But we Destroyed it .

I get into that History in The Third Book .


Morning no-body. This map that was posted long ago gives the clue on Victoria Peak. I'll go into this later today Incidentally Chinapas, a mining of today, predates Spanish Occupation. :coffee2::coffee2:


Pay attention to the two paragraphs quoted by Springfield on the previous page .

The point should be understood easily , That we of this venue , who for years of our lives , were shadowed , stalked , even kidnapped , for what we either discovered or had information that would lead to discovery / retrieval of wealth
buried many centuries before ,, and for that simple state of living under the Microscope of various parties ,

We understood well the need to practice deception in defense of ourselves and the families .

The Poster that uses the handle " NOBODY " has focused their attention to all they can find on the interwebs that I have written
over the years ,

and to what purpose , may be asked , although I have NO NEED TO KNOW the why or to what purpose .

I can assume that it is gleaning info of mine for either a book they are writing , or it could be as simple
as trolling .

Point is this , as already stated by a friends Son , and myself as a Son , inheritors of the legacy of treasure knowledge ,
we have that propensity to send people on a wild goose chase , obfuscate , LIE ,, entrap or in any way that we choose
to deal with the interjection into our private or public lives .

I'll point out one story ,

people searched for over a century for the gold placer in the Guadalupe mountains

the man who found it , led people astray that followed him,,,

He was from Midland Texas , and would travel into the Guadalupe range to lose his stalkers .

The story stood for all these years that his gold was in that Range .

It never was there , IT IS IN THE ORGAN MOUNTAIN RANGE , he simply went through the GUADALUPE mountains to lose the people who sought to jump his claim .
all of us have that knack to ward off the disease these stalkers suffer .

The Actual site was found about 1960 by both my Dad and a friend of his that is mentioned here .

it is an underground spring of sorts ,,, and a large square boulder covers the entrance .
I have the photo of the site stored away .

To live as that man , always distrustful and on high alert , is how I had to live , HAD TO LIVE , not by choice .

no snivel here , I paid a price just to exist , I exacted a like price out of most of the stalkers .

I can easily return to the site , pan a few ounces in less time than it took to write this missive .
It remains that I have no interest to engage any further .

View this as a posted note for all the stalkers / Trolls / spies / greed driven fools .

All have played with others lives
we in turn
took your tactics and played you back .

We did not call on you to enter our lives
Just as the First Peoples here, never invited Europeans to invade them and murder them out of Western Civilized Greed
driven motives .

At this moment , again the West invades the people of a far distant land , as though it is their divine right to run
the World .

As with all those treasure sites we had located : " YOU,,, can LIVE without it "

If you chase the Dragon for his Jewel's ,,, be not a crybaby if he burns you with his fire .

We all , each of us in this human experience , deserve exactly that which we do to ourselves ,,,

and exactly what we allow to be done to us .

This is Western Civilized Lineal Thought Consciousness , it is GREED driven , and you can well count on greed to corrupt .

Motives are always Greed initiated .

now look into your mirror
ask what you might be .

do that before you ever question any of us who mislead the Consciousness that drives it's motive from a greed based mindset .

Roger I completely agree with the greed statements and on another hand feel that sometimes you are mistaken about certain peoples motives as for some of us could give two cents about the money my grandfather who you know and your father knew is a wealthy man partly from your father and his endeavors and I am more interested in the truth of all these lies but am still misled and mis guided so what is the reasoning their?

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Real, amigo, you will really need some :coffee2: after I tell you that the dore' gold bars were smelted by the Spanish, but not from ore, and never left the area. they were smelting gold, and inventorying and storing it. there was no mining going on, and there was no ORE. I can not be much plainer in my statement. np:cat:

so effectively they were refining Dore bars? The question remains where did the Dore bars come from and where were they finding their chemicals needed to refine the bars ?? :coffee2::coffee2: N Peralas?

Side point where dit they dispose the tremendous amt. os charcol. ?? It is extremely dificult to dispose of. and lasts effectively forever.

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good morning Real, they were not refining dore' bars, the gold was not local,it was from the south but not in gold ore form, they did not need chemicals to heat the gold, please keep in mind I consider this cache only a part of a bread crumb trail, this cache seems like a lot of gold , but it really was not, it was only a plan to keep the Spanish busy at the time. have some more :coffee2:and really think about what I am sharing with you. this gold cave was not one of the seven cities or one of the seven caves it was only a bread crumb cache to keep the Spanish satisfied and busy at the time. np:cat:

good morning Real, they were not refining dore' bars, the gold was not local,it was from the south but not in gold ore form, they did not need chemicals to heat the gold, please keep in mind I consider this cache only a part of a bread crumb trail, this cache seems like a lot of gold , but it really was not, it was only a plan to keep the Spanish busy at the time. have some more :coffee2:and really think about what I am sharing with you. this gold cave was not one of the seven cities or one of the seven caves it was only a bread crumb cache to keep the Spanish satisfied and busy at the time. np:cat:

So then it was loose gold? Small villages of locals were paid off to say "oh I heard a story of a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who knows a story". Then the find it to be true. And those that paid for the story to be true wanted the treasure to be found so all the attention would be off the real horde.

slowest member of WCPR

Okay NP,

How far South? Sacambaya River Bolivia?

Mexico City?


Approximate date?


Hi don Gullum. According to the map, north eastern Sonora, which included Tayopa.

View attachment 1058687


Have any of you REAL-LY looked into the possible genesis of that map ?
Considered the much older maps it could be based on, then in turn copied from ?
The origins of it's symbology and the places they represent ?
The "Serpent of Tayopa" should be a clue, as it was to me when I first saw this drawing. As much as the sketch of the serpent itself.
Where did the name "Tayopa" come from ? What is the oldest reference to the name, and place ?
Can any of these questions be answered ?
I'm looking into it, but don't really have the time or resources at hand.


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somehiker, do you have an answer to all of these questions , if so I would love to hear it,so would other people, or even partial answers .np:cat:

somehiker, do you have an answer to all of these questions , if so I would love to hear it,so would other people, or even partial answers .np:cat:


A quick question, is this map supposed to be from Willie Daughitt originally?


mike, I explained this on my thread doc noss vp or cab, ova had this map which was in docs possessions but never used it, from what I know she never even paid any attention to it. lethra ended up with it. I believe since doc had it , he must have copied it from what willie d had, remember theres also two other maps that were with this one, but there is probably more because of the trunk containing papers and gold and other items that is hidden at Rincon, this I already talked about in my doc noss thread. np:cat:

somehiker, do you have an answer to all of these questions , if so I would love to hear it,so would other people, or even partial answers .np:cat:

No I don't. Otherwise I wouldn't be asking, I'd be telling.

But here is some examples of what I have so far, which could indicate where at least some of the original images for the map came from.a codice or codices.
These are taken from several aztec codices.


No I don't. Otherwise I wouldn't be asking, I'd be telling.

But here is some examples of what I have so far, which could indicate where at least some of the original images for the map came from.a codice or codices.
These are taken from several aztec codices.

View attachment 1059212

somehiker, interesting picture of Aztec holding serpent staff and on the serpent are circles, np:cat:

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