Well, let me tell you my pocket watch story. My hunting buddy, Charlie Harris, and myself were water hunting looking for a ford crossing the confederates used after the battle of Missionary Ridge. Water hunting, if you haven't tried it, is a two man job. I ran the machine and Charlie did the retrieval. I sent Charlie down for a good target and he came up with a pocket watch. I told him to go back down as there was still a good target in the hole. He came up this time with two pocket watches. We stayed there for about three more hours and retrieved a total of 76 pocket watches. Now that was just too much of a mystery to let it stand. We got a book on pocket watches to see what we had. It was strange that out of 76 watches, none were of silver or gold, they were all brass. We ran them thru electrolysis and got the backs open. The watches were knock off, or what was called dollar watches and dated back to about 1900. What they were doing in the water is anyone's guess but dirty work must have surely been afoot. Maybe I can get Charlie to post a pic of the watches as they are all in one large display case. We never did get a civil war artifact that day. Oh well,.......