Just watched Pirates Behind the Legends: William Kidd
not bad,
Honestly never knew the Gist of the story untill watching.
To me it seems Kidd was pretty much based out of the American Colonys and had little to do with England.
The Sory pretty much made sense, up until the explanation of Madagasgar where the haul was supposedly split up.
Personally I think he stopped in Madagascar for provisions before he sailed back acoss the Atlantic.
Not sure if any booty was ever split up there.
Barbados might be a spot where there is something burried. You would probably have to do some research on the West Indies to get an exact island,
Most likely Hateras was the Island that was widely circulated as far as the map, and apparently something was recovered on Gardiners Island?
Wouldn't be surprised if there were multiple locations.
The thing that gets me about the story is, There are no details of the exact capture? In the documentary the say he was held for 2 years in prison, when I had heard 6 months? before he was shipped back to England? Strange. That at his trial men that were on the ship testified against Kidd? Where did these Witnesses materialize from, how did they make their way to England for the trial?
The Book about the Trial just seems fabricated to me, just to sell books.
Maybe I will research it further one day but most likely anything he burried has been recovered long ago.
Probablt the most interesting thing to find would be the French Passes that he suposedly?took as proof. Pretty Intersting Maybe I will do a little Research on Barbados.
Happy Holidays
He was probably a fool for returning to Boston.
I guess it is possible something could be burried anywhere between Hateras and Barbados?

If ther is any ofKidds Treasure out there this would probably be my first Island I would start looking
Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps.
Probably take some time to dial it in though.