The Ten Year Term

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Yes, Napoleon's brother was the Emperor of New Spain at one time. And guess what.....he fled to the US after Waterloo. Heck, just about anyone who was anyone visited his plush estate here in the US. Guys like Henry Clay and many, many others. In fact, did you know that Napoleon was even heading this way but changed his mind at the last moment, opting instead to ignore the advice of his most loyal commanders in favor of boarding ship to treat with the British. Wow...what a mistake that was. Anyway, just prior to this he order his guy in charge of the treasury to send a large sum of money over here. But if he never got here I wonder where that money ended up? Man, big, no..."huge" money suddenly popping up everywhere with some of it never being found again. Reb, you are on a roll! :icon_thumright:

THAT $$$$$$$$ may have been used to put his brother in "power" in Mexico (Joseph... didn't happen); TJ MAY have "added" money (against Burr, from the "left-over"). THEN, it LATER came to TX as Maximilian's "GOLD"; "Max" was "Nappie's" son (Mexico...1861-65): don't remember ALL the details... YOU can do R & I. "Google"
Mexican Independence, Joseph Bonaparte, Sons of Hewitt County TEXAS, Maximilian's GOLD. AND! Check TEXAS "sub-forum" on TN... there is one "thread" of interest. Good Luck & HH!

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THAT $$$$$$$$ may have been used to put his brother in "power" in Mexico (Joseph... didn't happen); TJ MAY have "added" money (against Burr, from the "left-over"). THEN, it LATER came to TX as Maximilian's "GOLD"; "Max" was "Nappie's" son (Mexico...1861-65): don't remember ALL the details... YOU can do R & I. "Google"
Mexican Independence, Joseph Bonaparte, Sons of Hewitt County TEXAS, Maximilian's GOLD. AND! Check TEXAS "sub-forum" on TN... there is one "thread" of interest. Good Luck & HH!

Thanks! But I think I've got a pretty good handle on the details already. Entire boatloads of things to be researched here. Reb, I think you found the real source behind those deposits! Good job! :icon_thumright:

Thanks! But I think I've got a pretty good handle on the details already. Entire boatloads of things to be researched here. Reb, I think you found the real source behind those deposits! Good job! :icon_thumright:

ACTUALLY, MUCH bigger than you think... follow the "MONEY TRAIL"... TJ's "left-overs", Jean Lafitte "treasures",
FIRST U.S. Mint/CSA Mint in N.O., LOST Mexican Treasury, "Max's" GOLD, CSA Treasury, "Out-laws" stash (Frank James)... HA! ALL by 1885... COMPOUNDED "interest"... NSA is "watching".

In Feb,1862,CSA Treasury Sec Christopher G Memminger reopened the assay office at Dahlonega,Ga,and appointed Lewis Quillian as assayer.
Memminger ordered CSA ass Treasurer,Anthony Guirot to send the remaining assets of the New Orleans mint( 900oz gold & 17000oz silver) to Dahlonega.
Quillian recieved the shipment in June,1862,and began casting the gold and silver into bars.
On Oct 1,1862,the crated bars were shipped to Atlanta by wagon,then placed on a train to be shipped to THOMAS METCALF CONFEDERATE DEPOSITORY BANK in Augusta,Ga.
The shipment NEVER arrived and has never been found.

ACTUALLY, MUCH bigger than you think... follow the "MONEY TRAIL"... TJ's "left-overs", Jean Lafitte "treasures",
FIRST U.S. Mint/CSA Mint in N.O., LOST Mexican Treasury, "Max's" GOLD, CSA Treasury, "Out-laws" stash (Frank James)... HA! ALL by 1885... COMPOUNDED "interest"... NSA is "watching".

Now slow down there buddy....:laughing7:....the train is starting to leave the track.

In Feb,1862,CSA Treasury Sec Christopher G Memminger reopened the assay office at Dahlonega,Ga,and appointed Lewis Quillian as assayer.
Memminger ordered CSA ass Treasurer,Anthony Guirot to send the remaining assets of the New Orleans mint( 900oz gold & 17000oz silver) to Dahlonega.
Quillian recieved the shipment in June,1862,and began casting the gold and silver into bars.
On Oct 1,1862,the crated bars were shipped to Atlanta by wagon,then placed on a train to be shipped to THOMAS METCALF CONFEDERATE DEPOSITORY BANK in Augusta,Ga.
The shipment NEVER arrived and has never been found.

Records show that the CSA only operated at Dahlonega until 1861. If memory serves, but I may also be a bit rusty on this?

Records show that the CSA only operated at Dahlonega until 1861. If memory serves, but I may also be a bit rusty on this?
It was reopened in Feb 1862 for the purpose I mentioned.
Also,in Dec 1862,Memminger sent a letter to Quillian asking why Augusta hadn't recieved the bars.
That was when they realized that the shipment went missing.

It was reopened in Feb 1862 for the purpose I mentioned.
Also,in Dec 1862,Memminger sent a letter to Quillian asking why Augusta hadn't recieved the bars.
That was when they realized that the shipment went missing.

Are these letters/records/documents housed somewhere?

HA! WHERE do you think the GOLD, SILVER came from; to be "melted down"... and the JEWELRY! "Post" # 24, is INTERESTING...

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HA! WHERE do you think the GOLD, SILVER came from to be "melted down"... and the JEWELRY! "Post" # 24, is INTERESTING...

What does that reply have to do with, "records/letters/documents" of the information just presented? :laughing7: been to the Tiki bar again!

NOPE! ANSWER to sources of ALL that GOLD, SILVER, etc, to be melted down... YOU tell ME where it ALL came from! Ask "ECS" about his "documents"... gotta understand, that the CSA DESTROYED/BURNED documents to keep 'em out of the hands of the yanks; YOU are TOO OBSESSED with the "need for documents". HA!

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ONE very IMPORTANT book/document saved from burning was Emerich de Vattel's LAW OF NATIONS... a SECRET CSA book saved by Sixtus Hutter in Danville, Va. as the CSA "collapsed". Sixtus told his brother, Ferdinand Hutter about the book, and Ferdinand was the author of the BEALE PAPER(S). Their cousin, JB Ward was the "AGENT for the author". Vattel was SWISS, but wrote in FRENCH! "Google" Emerich de Vattel... "Just War Theory" is KEY.

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NOPE! ANSWER to sources of ALL that GOLD, SILVER, etc, to be melted down... YOU tell ME where it ALL came from! Ask "ECS" about his "documents"... gotta understand, that the CSA DESTROYED/BURNED documents to keep 'em out of the hands of the yanks; YOU are TOO OBSESSED with the "need for documents". HA!

I did ask ECS but you answered first! :laughing7:

Ask "ECS" about his "documents"... gotta understand, that the CSA DESTROYED/BURNED documents to keep 'em out of the hands of the yanks; YOU are TOO OBSESSED with the "need for documents". HA!
Not quite true,Rebel.When Richmond fell and the flight began,CSA SEC of WAR John C Breckinridge SAVED many of the documents,which are now housed in THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS.
On the SWAMP GOLD thread,somewhere after page 28,links are provided for the documents of the CSA TREASURY,including ledgers,letters,etc.Theres a plethora of solid research and document links on that thread concerning the CSA TREASURY and the lost Confederate gold legends-yes,this is also an abundence of nonsense you have to skip through.

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Not quite true,Rebel.When Richmond fell and the flight began,CSA SEC of WAR John C Breckinridge SAVED many of the documents,which are now housed in THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS.
On the SWAMP GOLD thread,somewhere after page 28,links are provided for the documents of the CSA TREASURY,including ledgers,letters,etc.Theres a plethora of solid research and document links on that thread concerning the CSA TREASURY and the lost Confederate gold legends-yes,this is also an abundence of nosense you have to skip through.

Thank you! It's nice to find someone else who appreciates the value and importance of, "documentation!" :laughing7:


Sure, which is why you always want to search for, and hopefully find, collaborating records or documents. In Jane Longs diary/journal about her time at Galveston Island she claims that she was present at Laffite's final dinner the evening before he departed, and she was in fact there. However, she stated that this was in 1820 instead of 1821. As it turns out she was wrong, it was 1821. Have run into this very type thing many times.


You know Reb, I guess I've learned to see it this way. Knowledge is a great thing, takes a lot of effort to gain, but if the knowledge gained is inaccurate or wrong then what is that gained knowledge worth?

You know Reb, I guess I've learned to see it this way. Knowledge is a great thing, takes a lot of effort to gain, but if the knowledge gained is inaccurate or wrong then what is that gained knowledge worth?

True; which is nice about being a "local" here in L'burg, Va. I can "check it out"; ALSO for Bedford County, Va. You "learn" DISCERNMENT.

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