Rebel - KGC
Platinum Member
Yes, Napoleon's brother was the Emperor of New Spain at one time. And guess what.....he fled to the US after Waterloo. Heck, just about anyone who was anyone visited his plush estate here in the US. Guys like Henry Clay and many, many others. In fact, did you know that Napoleon was even heading this way but changed his mind at the last moment, opting instead to ignore the advice of his most loyal commanders in favor of boarding ship to treat with the British. Wow...what a mistake that was. Anyway, just prior to this he order his guy in charge of the treasury to send a large sum of money over here. But if he never got here I wonder where that money ended up? Man, big, no..."huge" money suddenly popping up everywhere with some of it never being found again. Reb, you are on a roll!![]()
THAT $$$$$$$$ may have been used to put his brother in "power" in Mexico (Joseph... didn't happen); TJ MAY have "added" money (against Burr, from the "left-over"). THEN, it LATER came to TX as Maximilian's "GOLD"; "Max" was "Nappie's" son (Mexico...1861-65): don't remember ALL the details... YOU can do R & I. "Google"
Mexican Independence, Joseph Bonaparte, Sons of Hewitt County TEXAS, Maximilian's GOLD. AND! Check TEXAS "sub-forum" on TN... there is one "thread" of interest. Good Luck & HH!
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