Hi All,
I had such high hopes for this three day weekend, oh well.
On Saturday, my work called me at 2:30 am.
I am in I.T. and something was down in India (they work round the clock over there).
By the time I was through with work, it was time to go to the marsh.
Man, I was tired.
Just as I got there, I heard a shot nearby.
Dag-nabbit poachers again.
So I went home and went to bed.
My plan was to return later that day, after a nap and a late lunch.
Of course, the fates hated me on Saturday.
The A/C guy was supposed to come out at 4:00 pm and replace an A/C window unit at my house.
I could not remove the old window unit, as it was stuck in the window....and the wife would not let me use my replicator saw on the window or my sledge-hammer on the window unit to get it out...true!
Time wore on and on, and the A/C guy never showed up.
So my whole Saturday was a bust.
Sunday was the best of the three day weekend.
I achieved my last week's goal.
Both holes are 9 feet down now, and PVC-pipe-lined.
Here is a picture of a 10-ft 4-inch-diameter PVC that I slipped down there.
It shows one foot still showing, that means both holes are now 9 feet deep.
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Monday supposed to be a great day.
Too bad it wasn't.
I got up early, went to the marsh, and started digging.
After two scoops, it started to rain!
Blast! I was so mad.
Well, it is September.
The rains start up again here in September.
I have been in the rain before in the marsh.
One doesn't belong in a marsh in the rain.
Way too dangerous, even for a foolish treasure hunter like me.
So I packed up my gear and started back to my truck.
My bike broke one block away from my truck, but I didn't mind too much.
It was due to break anyway.
So Monday was a bust, too.
Here is a picture of how far I need to go with the 4-inch diameter to get down to 15 feet.
The 4-foot ladder is to show you how far that is.
I painted the aluminum ladder flat black so I could hide it easier from the poachers.
I don't know why the picture is sideways.
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Here is a picture of the man-made hill I have to dig through.
The hill is 3 foot higher than the marsh surface.
I know it is a man-made hill because it is not on the old maps, and runs in a straight line.
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So if the story is true, and the magic-wand magnetometer didn't lie to me, then
I am almost 1/2 way to the safe (9 feet done, 14 more feet to go).
Or I am 1/3 the way to bedrock (9 feet done, 18 more feet to go).
Time will tell.
"I haven't accomplished nothing yet - I have a long way to go."
Wyclef Jean