Rebel - KGC
Platinum Member
You may have just hit the nail on the head. In his memoirs Laffite claims that he sacrificed all that he possessed and sometime after the events in Texas Riguad is critical of Lallemand for his failure to distribute the funds to the survivors of Champ D'Asile. The Beale Pamphlet claims that the treasure was never recovered, so it could be, and is my personal opinion, that the author is simply saying that "they" never got their promised share. This then, would also be consistent with Monroe's letter to Joseph Bonaparte where he utterly denies the US ever promised to make payments to Tallyrand, Joseph, and others for services rendered. So your unknown author, whoever he was, used "connexions" for good reason and he was likely very well informed of the affair. To this I am certain to be the case. As of today, there is a lot more that I'm willing to divulge.
For instance, you guys have dragged me through the mire for suggesting that the Bufords and the region had strong Bonapartist ties, my example of this being the reference of Napoleon Bonaparte Buford and Algernon Sidney Buford. But what I didn't tell you was that when we investigate the extended Beale family tree we encounter the name Achillie Murat, this being the Nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte and the man Laffite went to see in St. Augustine. Thomas Beale was the son of Taverner Beale, the same Beale who had registered himself as only being from China. When Beale Sr. dies this other "china" Beale also disappears. Strangely, our Beale of China/Opium fame is involved in a sensational bankruptcy against the British East India Company, and with history repeating itself again, our Beale of New Orleans was also in an insolvent state at the time of his death. If Laffite was able to fake his death and live for many years under assumed name then why not Thomas Beale? This could easily be why he shows up in a river in China years later, the victim of an apparent suicide (Which I seriously doubt to be the actual cause of death.) And there is more.....
Read "Connexions"......
Ah SO! YOU are the author, then...?