THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Morning WIF
Late to the party I see-Too much party will do that you know. :laughing7:

I forgot the "Bill" in the sentence. Bill was going with his Mrs to pick blackberries this morning before the crowds.
Now you have me thinking was it for a phone???

Ya gotta remember, before this thread, I wasn't even *aware* there *was* a six o'clock in the morning too! I'm right on time, its the rest who are early! :tongue3:




I'm off by an hour but what the heck....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

Ya gotta remember, before this thread, I wasn't even *aware* there *was* a six o'clock in the morning too! I'm right on time, its the rest who are early! :tongue3:



I'm throwing your hat in the ring also....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

Arrrg !

I hate when my name is in the hat !

***ARC spits up in the air spins and ducks his own spit ***

***ARC pauses and has blank stare / deep thought stare***

***ARC then takes swig of Rum and spits it up in air... Spins and catches it in his own mouth... Gargles it ... then swallows***

Ah yes... now where were we... ? ? ?

Arrrg yes... name in hat.

arrrrrrr rrrrr

Nice finds bart.

Ya gotta remember, before this thread, I wasn't even *aware* there *was* a six o'clock in the morning too! I'm right on time, its the rest who are early! :tongue3:

Ok Dave was old detecting at 6:30.
The site was 1.5 hrs of driving or more.
Way too early for this guy.

Nice going on the USA button bart.

Oh Capt. Oh Capt. Which way do I need to be pointing this?

Mornin all!
Sweating first time outside this morning already. Ahh , no snow this month for sure.
Way too dry.
Going to look up a fire last night at an area not too far away that did not have their usual fireworks , but must have been "informal" fireworks caused...

You have a military campsite there where you finds came out of?
That rope /guy tensioner might be dateable. Combined with other relics ,and a time frame narrowed. 40's for a wild guess.
There's newer stuff mixed in (?) making the site used repeatedly through time. Maybe.

Congrats !

Better to be on the giving end than the receiving one I say. :P


IF I ever go to Canada...

I am coming over for dinner at your house :P

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