Scored 13 wheats from 1910 to 195? a old butter knife and old heart shaped iron lock... from the mid 1800s permission every old target was down about 8 inches pretty sure the yard had bin filled
Today heading to my bottle dump it quit impressive and I take some pics for ya's, Geo dog aint allowed do to all of the glass, Im gonna attempt to detect the little creek below he dump..
Well....after mooning the surveillance chopper a couple weeks ago I have not seen or herd it again. The day after the mooning and middle finger flash I was shadowed twice at a distance (perhaps 2 miles) I waved at them for a couple minutes each time. I left the dock on a jet ski to comb the mangroves and was shadowed again. About an hour in to my ride and minutes after the chopper left I was buzzed twice by an unmarked single engine airplane. He passed directly over me at the 50 ft. Level twice in 5 minutes once from the east and once from the west. That was it....I've never seen them again after a weekly fly by for over 3 years. Even my neighbors have mentioned that the chopper is gone !! Very strange indeed !!