THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7


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My wife said to leave it, maybe it will still grow.
So we'll see. Not holding my breath though.

It turns out Flo was good eating . . . just kidding. She makes good eggs.

Good afternoon mates,
I think the misses was right! I just checked on the little peach tree stub, and sure enough, a new growth is starting.
Maybe we'll get a second tree after all.

The three trees we planted 2 years ago (peach, pear, and apple) all had fruit last year, this is probably from our peach tree. The squirrels took all but a couple of them. I wonder where else they buried pits?

Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised.

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Good morning
Peyton (if you are around)
Simon (Prolly asleep so goodnight)
Truth (yea, I see you are a lurker :laughing9:)

Who did I miss?

Great job!

Might be others,
Worldtalker? Do I have it right?
But dang good job. I'm impressed :)


Just make sure you put up some wire mesh or other protection to keep Flo from munching the new growth.

Good afternoon mates,
I think the misses was right! I just checked on the little peach tree stub, and sure enough, a new growth is starting.
Maybe we'll get a second tree after all.

The three trees we planted 2 years ago (peach, pear, and apple) all had fruit last year, this is probably from our peach tree. The squirrels took all but a couple of them. I wonder where else they buried pits?

Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised.

“If I owned Texas and Hell, I would rent out Texas and live in Hell”
― General Philip Henry Sheridan

GB, I saw this and thought of you. :laughing7:

“I am often asked “Why do Southerners still care about the Civil War?”… Because it is unique in the American experience. Defeat was total, surrender unconditional and the land still occupied.”
― Tim Heaton

"150 in the desert, earthquakes....they should change the name of California to Shake & Bake USA!" - Fred Sanford


Stay at home- Day 3,987...

Time for horizontalness.

G night Folks.

Goodnight ARC.
ME too. Been a long Friday playing yardguy.

Don't forget to f9f712e17d53b19b1b61400005f3245f.webp folks. Let's get rid of this thing.

Hi Sis !

It was tooooooooooooo short :sadsmiley:

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