THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

WD... YOU Temptress ! ! !... YOU SIREN ! ! ! YOU THIRSTY MERMAID ! ! ! I SAW WHAT YOU WROTE ! ! !


I learned from the best.


Arrgggg.ggggg ggggg ***COUGH*** ... arrrr ***HACK***

Bah !

***ARC slowly slips away and goes to cannon number 6 and looks down the barrel only to see a tree frog staring back at him***

ARG ! ! !

The work of a witch ! ! ! she has turned my Rum into a frog ! ! !

Ship She-devil !

***ARC mumbles something like "never trust a she-devil with lonely Rum" as he walks away***

Good Morning (Some Good night), ARC, Bill, Bart, GAP, Metal, GB, Msbeep, Rook, Relchair, Duck, Idaho, Doubter, Rusty R, Toe, 30yr, ECS, Simon, Tom, KEYS, Gopher, IMAU, Chris, and whoever I missed. :hello2::hello::wav::wave::icon_flower::icon_cheers::love1::lurk::icon_sunny:


Good morning ARC, Gary, rook, Simon, WD and the rest of the crew.

Good morning all. Feel asleep dreaming of a cold IPA. Voodoo Ranger!!!!
Not a big fan of rum anymore.
Time for a cup of Choc full of Nuts.
Or 2 or 3.

May I have any remaining rum swill?

Lol.... yep we are losing it.

Pirates come with a "manual"... a "code" to give you guidelines to know how to deal with pirates......

But somehow there is no chapter on "pirateses"... and even plain ole woman comes with no manual.

Now I know... why the Rum is always gone.

Are you sure you wouldn’t like just cup of coffee right now. Lol.

Save the rum for... oh say... at least noonish. Lol.


Keeping it simple tonight a couple of chicken legs in the air fryer. Probably mash up some roasted garlic potatoes and We've got 1/2 of a red cabbage so I'll be doing it German style.
I'll post a recipe for it later when my brain fog has lifted....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

Good morning Bill... what`s for dinner ?

Such a hypocrite I am. If I found a bottle of VooDoo ranger in my fridge right now... it would be breakfast.


Keeping it simple tonight a couple of chicken legs in the air fryer. Probably mash up some roasted garlic potatoes and We've got 1/2 of a red cabbage so I'll be doing it German style.
I'll post a recipe for it later when my brain fog has lifted....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:
Bill yum !!


You like your air fryer? What brand do you have? I’m thinking of getting one.

Sweet sour cabbage... mmmmmm

All hands on deck!

Bring a spring upon 'er!

Beat to quarters!

Make land fall afor de Cap'n gives de order to cleave me to the brisket!

Good mornin Tnetters!!

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