Blak bart
Platinum Member
It was years before I realized how special that was !! I was bitter for awhile later in life that my parents took all my silver. I later learned to just enjoy the memory of lugging that treasure home !!
This song is in loving memory of my oldest brother Ed who lost his courageous battle with leukemia last night. It's a relief he's no longer suffering.
This song is in loving memory of my oldest brother Ed who lost his courageous battle with leukemia last night. It's a relief he's no longer suffering.
Give me an A....Give me a B....Give me a C....sorry it was just to tempting....![]()
Rook it was the summer of 83 and I was was a brutally hot summer and I used to walk about a mile to a swimming hole on the oceanside of the island (we lived on the bay). There I would meet the rest of my friends and fish and swim and explore. So this one day I go down to the swim hole and wait and wait but no one ever shows ? So after waiting around and melting in the sun, I give up and start heading home. I decide to cut through a patch of woods to stay in the shade for the walk home. I had never been in this patch of woods and to my surprise there was an old trailer home rotting away back here in the woods. Well this was both scary and thrilling and I cautiously started to explore these ruins. It was dangerously rickety and I had to be careful not to step through the collapsing floor in places. After about a half hour detour here I was ready to leave. This trailer had a crawl space underneath it and lots of stuff was thrown up under the trailer for storage. Well something caught my eye and I started working my way up under this trailer to reach it. As I looked above my head for spiders there it was....wedged up on a floor joist was the largest chok full o nuts coffee can they made...the real big one !! I reached up to get it and could not budge it, it was full !! I wrestled this massive coffee can off the beam and out from under the trailer where I could open had a wooden board for a lid and was sealed with waxed canvas. was by far the most silver coins I think I've ever seen at one time still to this day !! There was 30-40 pounds in that can !! I slowly started home like a beast of burden.....stopping every 100 feet or so to rest and shift the load. It took a long time to get it home but I did....I announced that this money was mine and I would be using it to buy my own candy when ever I wanted for the rest of the summer !! My parents freaked out and explained that I could have candy money any time I wanted !! It was truly an amazing cache of silver coins !! The newest was 1952 !! And I just remember my step mom spreading these coins all over the living room...stacking them in different stacks according to value and denomination. I think my father may still have some of this silver in his safe...I hope so !! I was rewarded with candy money for the rest of that summer and it was a sweet cache for everyone....and my first and best cache ever !!
Rook it was the summer of 83 and I was was a brutally hot summer and I used to walk about a mile to a swimming hole on the oceanside of the island (we lived on the bay). There I would meet the rest of my friends and fish and swim and explore. So this one day I go down to the swim hole and wait and wait but no one ever shows ? So after waiting around and melting in the sun, I give up and start heading home. I decide to cut through a patch of woods to stay in the shade for the walk home. I had never been in this patch of woods and to my surprise there was an old trailer home rotting away back here in the woods. Well this was both scary and thrilling and I cautiously started to explore these ruins. It was dangerously rickety and I had to be careful not to step through the collapsing floor in places. After about a half hour detour here I was ready to leave. This trailer had a crawl space underneath it and lots of stuff was thrown up under the trailer for storage. Well something caught my eye and I started working my way up under this trailer to reach it. As I looked above my head for spiders there it was....wedged up on a floor joist was the largest chok full o nuts coffee can they made...the real big one !! I reached up to get it and could not budge it, it was full !! I wrestled this massive coffee can off the beam and out from under the trailer where I could open had a wooden board for a lid and was sealed with waxed canvas. was by far the most silver coins I think I've ever seen at one time still to this day !! There was 30-40 pounds in that can !! I slowly started home like a beast of burden.....stopping every 100 feet or so to rest and shift the load. It took a long time to get it home but I did....I announced that this money was mine and I would be using it to buy my own candy when ever I wanted for the rest of the summer !! My parents freaked out and explained that I could have candy money any time I wanted !! It was truly an amazing cache of silver coins !! The newest was 1952 !! And I just remember my step mom spreading these coins all over the living room...stacking them in different stacks according to value and denomination. I think my father may still have some of this silver in his safe...I hope so !! I was rewarded with candy money for the rest of that summer and it was a sweet cache for everyone....and my first and best cache ever !!
Man, I'm really sorry about your brother. Bill. I don't know what I'd do if I'd lost mine.