THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

edit: stupid double post.

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If your looking for a recently lost ring, only go after shallow targets...if your just searching for rings in general good luck...

Don't forget to dig EVERY pull tab signal either.:laughing7: Eventually it pays off...and look at the exercise you get doing it.:laughing9:

If your looking for a recently lost ring, only go after shallow targets...if your just searching for rings in general good luck...

Recently lost, a friend lost it over a month ago.

Rusty, I'm assuming the ring you'll be hunting for is a recent drop if so I'd drop the sensitivity about as low as it goes. That will eliminate most of the deeper object and just knock out iron. Depending on the size, etc....ring can id from foil right up into the coin range so a bit of a crap shoot what it'll id as.

So I tested my detector on some rings yesterday, and they all sounded different. It helps to know what kind of gold ring I'm looking for.

That's really awesome RR, great read too.
You just may top it, you've got time.I

MetalArch, I hope your dog is doing better.

For all you who are trying to decorate the ground with yourselves (WD), you know how the Captain feels about laying down on the job, deck, ground, etc. No falling allowed!

Yep what Bill said.
One I found was white gold so it had silver mixed in the gold, it rang up as a silver dime.
If the area isn't real big grid it so you cover each section well.

So I tested my detector on some rings yesterday, and they all sounded different. It helps to know what kind of gold ring I'm looking for.

You could borrow my Ace 350 and when it goes ding,ding,ding ...Check for foil to pulltab and bottle cap icons ranges. :icon_thumright:
In jewelry mode it sees some rings as coins in higher range...

(Ain't helpin am I...)

RC,'d pretty much check out anything above iron but if he has the sensitivity way down low he should just have to scratch around on the surface to retrieve the finds or down into the surface area of grass.

Here's a frugal easy recipe to try....heck even WD should be able to manage this one.....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:


My M6 is just an MXT without threshold. In that case Gold rings should ring up from 19 to 22- 24. It could ring higher if it has an amount of silver in it. Gold bands give a more prominent VDI than stone rings.

My M6 is just an MXT without threshold. In that case Gold rings should ring up from 19 to 22- 24. It could ring higher if it has an amount of silver in it. Gold bands give a more prominent VDI than stone rings.

14/18 VDI It is more often going to be gold on the M-6,if it' repeats that is.

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A word of advice:

If you answer your phone and someone says, "Knock, knock." HANG UP IMMEDIATELY!!

It's a Jehovah's Witness working from home.

Ok. So I've been telling this really funny corona virus joke. It's really great. But I've stopped telling it. It was taking 7 days to see if people got it.

That's a funny knock knock joke, I don't care who you are.:laughing9::hello2::laughing7:

True story.
My brother worked on the BN - Frisco RR for years as a brakeman which that job is gone now but anyway he worked odd hours from regular folk. One morning when he had worked all night and had just showered and gotten in bed a knock came on the door. He staggered to the door and there stood 2 Jehovah Witness. One ask did he know that the Devil is still alive in this world? Brother answered. Lady, right now I am the Devil and slammed the door. True story. I can hear him now.:laughing7:

True story.
My brother worked on the BN - Frisco RR for years as a brakeman which that job is gone now but anyway he worked odd hours from regular folk. One morning when he had worked all night and had just showered and gotten in bed a knock came on the door. He staggered to the door and there stood 2 Jehovah Witness. One ask did he know that the Devil is still alive in this world? Brother answered. Lady, right now I am the Devil and slammed the door. True story. I can hear him now.:laughing7:

I can understand his frustration, working rail hours sucks. :laughing7:


Maybe working odd hours for the RR sucks but you have to admit it pays better than burning down trees.....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

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