Me and the missus did a grocery run early this a.m. to beat the rush hit two ethnic markets and luckily both were well stocked.
We looked like we were ready for the zombie apocalypse medical grade masks and gloves.......

Bought for about $75.00 pretty much staples exclusively. 10 lbs of potatoes, 10 lbs carrots, 10 lbs onions, 2 heads of celery, 3 bunches of parsley, pears + apples for fresh fruit, 3 heads of cabbage, 6 lemons, lettuce, kale + a few other items. The 2nd store was an Indian grocery and picked up 4 2 lbs bags of lentils, beans, etec....+ 1 2 quart container of milk for our morning coffee.
Chopped up 1 head of celery and put it into the dehydrator for drying, we'll be doing likewise with some of the other veggies. Then placing in jars to use for soup and stews. Would suggest you considerer doing likewise and if you don't have a dehydrator place your oven on the lowest setting and spread the veggies on cookie sheets.
This mess is not over by a long shot folks.....