I am in the home office working and Sneakers is sleeping on the laptop as usual. I hear about 15 or so very loud, ( outside the house type loudness ) gun shots. I jumped up to move away from the window and turn off my lights. Scared Sneakers so bad she jumped about 18 inches straight up and ran off into the living room. I listen to my police scanner every night and heard the dispatcher tell officers shots were being reported. One report came from as far away as just over a mile and said they heard 15-20 shots. Police responded and found nobody, they found 16 brass 9 mm casings in the alley. All they would tell us was that it was a "Random act". Yep, 16 shots fired at one house was "random" ?

Almost all the information I got was from the police scanner. None of this was on any of the news stations , ( ABC, CBS, NBC, or Fox ). As of today, no word on what officially happened.

It was just 3 houses away