THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Morning bill and RR


Glad you've turned the corner.....lots of people who think they've got the flu and only have a bad cold.

I've only had a real flu once and like you I felt like I got hit by a freight train.....3 days everything ached, it was painful just to get out of bed and go to the washroom, would just eat a bit here and there and go back to bed.

Probably took me 3 months or more to get my energy level back up after it passed.

***ARC checks himself over... and checks the Rum cabinet and sees there is still some rum left in it. ***

Yeah ... looks like I will pull through another day.

Let me tell you... this flu was like a super flu on steroids... sheesh.

I have been sick... but this was serious crap... I thought I was gonna have to go in for treatment... but then it started its turn.

Still feel only 69.7 %. :P

Good morning, ARC, RR, bill, Tom, and therest of the crew,..........

Here's a realistic video explaining about the corona virus and how it transmits.


Well,..... here we go,.............

Kirkland, Washington,........

Corona Report

One dead, old folks home,.... 50 sick,.......

110 health workers in quarenteen.

Stems from the first case,... nurse took care of him,.....went on to other
jobs, one being the old folks home,........

More sick at other locations.

Washington declares emergency,..........

Had some pickup truck sit outside our house last night, idling. As soon as my mom turned on a light, tires spun, and he kicked gravel to get out of there. What the heck? ???

somebody probably trying to size up whether to not rob y'all or not. I would keep a watch out over the next few days

Well,..... here we go,.............

Kirkland, Washington,........

Corona Report

One dead, old folks home,.... 50 sick,.......

110 health workers in quarenteen.

Stems from the first case,... nurse took care of him,.....went on to other
jobs, one being the old folks home,........

More sick at other locations.

Washington declares emergency,..........

Almost 5000 people have died in USA from flu virus this season, one from coronavirus so dont give into hysteria.

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Yep the media does tend to blow things out of proportion. So far approx 3,000 deaths worldwide mostly in China. One commentator stated that worldwide approximately 500,000 die annually from the flu.

Evening all (here). Glad you're on the mend AARC. Only ever had proper 'flu once and I know how much it takes out of you. Like you've been worked over by the mob wielding baseball bats. Rest up and take it easy.

Corona Virus has now hit Surrey here in the UK (I live in that county, about 25 miles from the location of the 'patient zero' confirmed case) but no-one's panicking or anything like that. All is normal. No-one wearing face-masks or panic-buying anything. Same in London when was there on Thursday. I maybe saw a dozen foreign tourists with masks on, having travelled on crowded trains and on the tube, walked through crowded stations, gone to a packed theatre and a busy restaurant.

If I get a sore throat or something, I'm a bit concerned about going to see the doc just in case he shines a flashlight down my throat and asks "Can you say aaaah?"

Good evening to all the crew.

Glad you've turned the corner ARC, it sure beats walking into the wall.
Now eat some protein helps you heal up.
Bringing aboard the rum supply now, had to wave the cutlass around a bit...but they got the point. :laughing7:

The face masks you see people wearing walking the streets used in hospitals are worthless against flu, they do no form fit to your face and virus would go throw the paper, they are giving people a false sense of security.

s-l400 (1).webp


Yep if you're going to bother using them, which I won't, at least go for the medical grade ones which have no gaps.
Otherwise people are just wasting their time and money.

It's Natures Way of telling you somethings wrong , or one should never eat bat on a stick at a Chines restaurant, or both.

Corona Virus has now hit Surrey here in the UK (I live in that county, about 25 miles from the location of the 'patient zero' confirmed case) but no-one's panicking or anything like that. All is normal...


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You notice how they're politicizing the virus too? Gimme a break!

Worked all day on a fence for the dog... Think I'll call it Stalag Luft 3 1/2. :laughing7:

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