The invasion was a success. Dearborn, Selma, Muncie and other towns were taken, being annexed into our further reaching claw of of Confederate might. Eh. Not really.
Indiana is flat as hell, I'll say that. Nothing but corn, corn, corn, corn, corn, corn, yawn....... corn, corn, corn......
I did see some dandy old Civil War homes, and many creeks to hunt arrowheads in. We stopped off at a great place to eat too, and WD, We got to see a New York Central 2-6-0 Steamer, a full NKP Passenger car set, Alco and Baldwin switchers, and some neat 1950s refrigerator cars. Of course this was all when we were zipping through town. My mom drives like a nut.
A puppy is not like a cat at all. IT WOULD. NOT. SHUT. UP. Four hours back through the three state lines we crossed, it sang a mournful, and high decibel song. Gonna be a looooong nnight.
Another thing, what's up with the Indiana girls? The tallest, lankiest, looking creatures you'll ever behold. I felt like tossing a sandwich to them, they needed it!
You can also tell it's Trump country up there, nothing but signs, flags, and more signs on every barn, and at every other house. As if they didn't have enough of that, they also have a cluster of fireworks stands at the IN/OH border. Two of which were right beside each other, one saying
Premium Fireworks, and the other saying
Better Fireworks.