Amanita ocreata, commonly known as the
death angel,
destroying angel,
angel of death or more precisely
western North American destroying angel, is a deadly
Its principal toxic constituent,
α-Amanitin, damages the
liver and
kidneys, often fatally, and has no known antidote.
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Now this red one seems to have the Death Angel for backup.
View attachment 2188330
Here is what the poison is-nice stuff if you don't like something.
α-Amanitin (
alpha-Amanitin) is a
cyclic peptide of eight
amino acids. It is possibly the most deadly of all the
toxins found in several species of the
Amanita, one being the
death cap (
Amanita phalloides) as well as the
destroying angel, a complex of similar species, principally
A. virosa and
A. bisporigera. It is also found in the mushrooms
Galerina marginata,
Lepiota subincarnata and
Conocybe filaris. The oral
LD50 of amanitin is 100 μg/kg for rats.