I'm going to have to ask you something.Good afternoon xx hope you are enjoying ur Friday!
Well it’s my last day of freedom… new job starts on Monday… and you know what… I can’t wait. It’s only a small company, but they are so nice, bringing me over my lap top today, as worried about the weather and don’t want me to have to worry about travelling on Monday if it’s rough….. ! I think that is the nicest thing ever! xx
Ur absolutely spot on… Sat / Sun are “committed days” ….!!! 😂😂 xxI'm going to have to ask you something.
Over on this side of the pond we have 2 days between Friday-Monday.
They're called Saturday-Sunday
So I reread the post, thoughts 🤔 were processed.
This what I have figured out.
The Saturday-Sunday is with Himself so there's just no freedom?
Waiting for clarification from your end.
I kind of get the feeling of this if I saw Himself in real life.🤣Ur absolutely spot on… Sat / Sun are “committed days” ….!!! 😂😂 xx
She really is a pretty bird!Good morning and happy Friday.
There was an article in the newspaper a few days ago (remember those?) about native wildlife, and it featured the European Starling. (Which of course is not native at all, at least originally.). Among other things, it repeated the idea that they are a "nuisance bird". Which I can see why people would say that when a flock of a thousand of them descends on your yard. But then people in large crowds are often nuisance animals as well. But looked at individually, Starlings are unique and interesting.
Here's PeeWee the other day. I stood and held her in front of a sunny window on a chilly morning. She slowly spread her wings and laid down on my hand, sunbathing like she was in the tropics. She normally stays on her feet, but here she was fully relaxed, laying all the way down, feathers to skin. So cute, happy, and trusting.
Nuisance, my ass.
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Nice?Good afternoon xx hope you are enjoying ur Friday!
Well it’s my last day of freedom… new job starts on Monday… and you know what… I can’t wait. It’s only a small company, but they are so nice, bringing me over my lap top today, as worried about the weather and don’t want me to have to worry about travelling on Monday if it’s rough….. ! I think that is the nicest thing ever! xx
Gives ants the chance to grab parasites.Our chickens do that when they haven't been in the sun much. Warm day, they walk out into the sun, and just start spreading one wing, and they fall to the ground.
They said we will get some snow. I’m off and hoping it snows Sunday morningGood morning! ☕️ The weather service is calling for a foot of snow Sunday and Monday. We’re ready. It’s been quite a while since we’ve had a snowy winter. Young people living here have no idea how bad it can actually get.
50🥶View attachment 2186905Good morning everyone, really cold this morning. 50 outside so I'm wrapped in a blanket sipping coffee.
Good morning everybody
I just went back to work yesterday and now it’s already Friday, I can deal with this!!!
A on the hat. Schoolboy outfit.I'm trying to figure out what the Zebra coat is trying to be-that's just bad regardless of what era.
Velvet pants-need that Viking slap guy
Not sure even who these ?? are-actually.
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OkMornin Evan!
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A on the hat. Schoolboy outfit.
AC/DC's First Live Performance 31.12.1973
On December 31, 1973, "AC/DC" took the stage for the first time.(Photo: Philip Morris)The show was held at a small club called "Checkers Nightclub", in Sydney, Australia. The club hosts 550 people. It was the most famous nightclub in the city, which was established in 1953 and at that time was...en.faceoffrockshow.com
It's kind of a frozen tundra out there at the moment in my parts.Happy Friday to everyone! Now that the holidays are over I can finally get back to looking for the yellow shiny stuff... anyone else getting out in the Northeast? I've never really done any panning in the winter but got some new spots planned... hard to wait...
Great Pic RC…. My money is on this being a past Crew Christmas Party …. Peps you’re clearly the smug one far right…. Cappo is the young one far left…. Sooo RC you must be the guy next to Peps in the zebra jacket… leaving RobertK in the cap and the fresh faced Evan in the middle …. Did I guess right? 🤔…. xx