Gold Member
good morning
The blonde in question, was Ilse, She Wulf of the SS, who was hoisting Pvt Rusty aloft to hanging pole.... I am not hanging around questionable blondes, they just wanna hang me.
The blonde in question, was Ilse, She Wulf of the SS, who was hoisting Pvt Rusty aloft to hanging pole.
Opening his eyes, ignoring the bruised pain, he noticed on a nearby ammo crate, a rare J A Gilka Kaiser-Kummel Liquer bottle.
"I must have that, I must have that" repeated and echoed in his head.
He awoke from the dream with a start!
It's bureaucratically slow today...
Good afternoon Rook, ECS, WD.
RR I knew there was blondes and hanging in there, just not sure in what order.
Family moved in...and now there's 7. 3 are five and under. Eyes on at all times! So I g I sailing off the ship at times. Like now, a bottle is needed...and not rum!...unless it's for me!
Good afternoon Rook, ECS, WD.
RR I knew there was blondes and hanging in there, just not sure in what order.
Family moved in...and now there's 7. 3 are five and under. Eyes on at all times! So I g I sailing off the ship at times. Like now, a bottle is needed...and not rum!...unless it's for me!
***ARC looks around and sees no one... and hears crickets***
AHEM ! Hem Hem hem.