Well on the bright side their feet look dry.
Carpool and have a self imposed gracious (considerate of society)daily limit of five gallons per family per station per day. Or ten if people can que civilly instead of being idiots.
The whole gas shortage is just plain stupid.
Folks drive around with a minimum amount most of the time.
They knew a week ahead of this hurricane.
Yet they waited till the time they realized "Gee I have to gas"
Lame in so many ways.
Not properly educated in very simple life skills.
I have a weather event.
Fuel for a minimum if one week running 24/7.
When the spring comes that will have no time limit.
The urban and the rural think differently in many respects.
We don't have a food supply within walking distance.
Nearest gas station is 3 miles.
If it goes down then it's 15 miles.
Then it goes to over 20 miles away.
Food (that we consume) is nearly 30 miles away.
So one has supplies.
Cats have a 45 day supply. 🤣
Not that hungry yet.