It seems the racoon has now realized that the strawberries are ripe.
Seen the signs the other day.
So I moved all the electric fence out of the way.
Mowed the tall grass as close as I could to the fence.
Yesterday I weed wipped the 800ft of fence line, then tiger torched all of the grass dead, dried, green that was along the wire.
Murphys law came to play. The old dried grass burnt well. It sometimes crept into the berry patch by 6 inches then went out.
I had the ride on mower parked 3ft away.
Guess where the fire went-yup right for the mower.
So my water is now on the otherside of the patch, in the side by side 400ft away.
I hoof it over to the unit, open the gate, race to the mower, move it out the way.
Douse the creeping flames that were under the mower deck.
The heavy breezes kept things interesting for the next 400 ft of torching.
25 gallons of water through the watering can worked.
Today I will move all the electric fencing back in towards the main fence and ground cloth barrier.
Got 3/4" if rain from the storm last night.