THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7


Yellow fin grouper

Yellow fin tuna

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Good morning! A leak in the water line from the well to the house made for an interesting Friday.View attachment 2149641
Never a great day dealing with water issues.
Good to see you got it fixed.

Had a new well line installed once. Lost pressure, plumbing company found a split, repaired it.
Happened again, so they replaced the line. Seemed there was a bad batch of line that was imported.

Mornin all.
Two cups into the day.
Dogs are fed .
Perfect outdoors this morning in th e60's F. but headed up.

I dropped multiple trees the other day and still need to finish cleaning them up. The big one (well big to me) I wanted out of there before the pole barn building remains.
It is leaning East and I want it fell North.
Ahh well. It'll give summer shade if ice or wind doesn't break it up prior...

Well the days are getting numbered out in the fields now.
The farmer stopped to say hello.
I said I'd move over and stay out of his way.
"Oh you don't need to move. You're not going to be hurting anything from what you do"

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