THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7


I like carving anchors ⚓️....but ya need to be able to draw a little bit. I'm learning....never thought I would have west indies mahogany heart wood scraps 😲😲!! The gold of 18th century "baroque era" wood carvers !! KING WOOD !! From the Golden age of mahogany!! The best tonal wood for stringed musical instruments. 🎼

Good morning everyone. An interesting update on the ring I found that came with a warning. A former member of Hells Angels my step dad knows saw it and said whoa don't wear that it's a member you'll get your ass kicked. (Not that I'd ever wore it anyways) really neat yet terrifying piece lol I guess you'll never know what comes out of the ground.

Also in another not so good update things aren't going well in my life. Broken up with and dealing with mental health issues before that. Spiraling into bad depression having a hard time making it from day to day sleep not coming easy and trying to get through work has been hell having to step out to cry and talking to no one. I'm around just not in a good way at all

Good morning everyone. An interesting update on the ring I found that came with a warning. A former member of Hells Angels my step dad knows saw it and said whoa don't wear that it's a member you'll get your ass kicked. (Not that I'd ever wore it anyways) really neat yet terrifying piece lol I guess you'll never know what comes out of the ground.
Mornin JVA!

JVA takes ring to work.
"Happy birthday boss! We got you a fancy gift."

Also in another not so good update things aren't going well in my life. Broken up with and dealing with mental health issues before that. Spiraling into bad depression having a hard time making it from day to day sleep not coming easy and trying to get through work has been hell having to step out to cry and talking to no one. I'm around just not in a good way at all
Know that I still think of you as the little brother I'd abuse (tease somehow) if possible...
And you'd be welcomed to "work" alongside me.

Too lazy to take pics as thought earlier of the site I been clearing for a building.
Good thing I'm not having to pay myself.
You likely would have come up with better ways. And faster.

Don't let go of the rope. Keep both short and long term schemes going. Even simple ones.
Things like not getting whupped by a bunch of insulted bikers . (So far so good.) Or the wrong ants.. (Not always so good per your past experiences.)

Oh , we could work on getting the little boat seaworthy for lake fishing too.
You'd be telling me to calm down probably.

Song for your next work day; headed to work.

Know that I still think of you as the little brother I'd abuse (tease somehow) if possible...
And you'd be welcomed to "work" alongside me.

Too lazy to take pics as thought earlier of the site I been clearing for a building.
Good thing I'm not having to pay myself.
You likely would have come up with better ways. And faster.

Don't let go of the rope. Keep both short and long term schemes going. Even simple ones.
Things like not getting whupped by a bunch of insulted bikers . (So far so good.) Or the wrong ants.. (Not always so good per your past experiences.)

Oh , we could work on getting the little boat seaworthy for lake fishing too.
You'd be telling me to calm down probably.

Song for your next work day; headed to work.

I'm trying. I had enjoyed my relationship and my time with my ex. I had something to look forward to after miserable work that I hate and dread so much. I had a brief escape from the mental hell I go through I was making my own path for once. Now I'm back alone nothing to look forward to back to the same old dead and routine. Work go home sleep repeat. In the time of sleep lay awake depressed because one feels worthless and like a failure. Not knowing how to change me or beat the anxiety disorder that makes levels of fear unnecessarily high making so much overwhelming that shouldn't be. My life is empty and lonely and I'm back to nothing to look forward to in all of that so I'm in collapse and feeling the worse depression I've ever felt. Drank at work just to get through. It affects me differently just dulls my feelings and I just focus on work and get through the day. Ex is angry I did that rightfully so she still cares not an angry break up

I'm trying. I had enjoyed my relationship and my time with my ex. I had something to look forward to after miserable work that I hate and dread so much. I had a brief escape from the mental hell I go through I was making my own path for once. Now I'm back alone nothing to look forward to back to the same old dead and routine. Work go home sleep repeat. In the time of sleep lay awake depressed because one feels worthless and like a failure. Not knowing how to change me or beat the anxiety disorder that makes levels of fear unnecessarily high making so much overwhelming that shouldn't be. My life is empty and lonely and I'm back to nothing to look forward to in all of that so I'm in collapse and feeling the worse depression I've ever felt. Drank at work just to get through. It affects me differently just dulls my feelings and I just focus on work and get through the day. Ex is angry I did that rightfully so she still cares not an angry break up
Booze = depression
Might think it is helpful but one is just playing a game with the reflection.
A repeated phrase to the reflection does reflect on the outcome of one's self worth.
Been down the roads less traveled by many.
The dark abyss was knocking and visited a few times.
It seems that you might hate a professional opinion or alternative ways.
It's almost like an addiction this is, you're scared to loose the pain.
Just saying 😌

Booze = depression
Might think it is helpful but one is just playing a game with the reflection.
A repeated phrase to the reflection does reflect on the outcome of one's self worth.
Been down the roads less traveled by many.
The dark abyss was knocking and visited a few times.
It seems that you might hate a professional opinion or alternative ways.
It's almost like an addiction this is, you're scared to loose the pain.
Just saying 😌
No idea but I feel empty. Everything feels dull and heavy. Don't really know how to explain but it's a miserable feeling

I'm trying. I had enjoyed my relationship and my time with my ex. I had something to look forward to after miserable work that I hate and dread so much. I had a brief escape from the mental hell I go through I was making my own path for once. Now I'm back alone nothing to look forward to back to the same old dead and routine. Work go home sleep repeat. In the time of sleep lay awake depressed because one feels worthless and like a failure. Not knowing how to change me or beat the anxiety disorder that makes levels of fear unnecessarily high making so much overwhelming that shouldn't be. My life is empty and lonely and I'm back to nothing to look forward to in all of that so I'm in collapse and feeling the worse depression I've ever felt. Drank at work just to get through. It affects me differently just dulls my feelings and I just focus on work and get through the day. Ex is angry I did that rightfully so she still cares not an angry break up
Ahh .
Yet you still are !

Any plants you're tending ? Didn't some move with you too?

I tried to do some math at a greenhouse we stopped at. Well , at one of the flowers ect. greenhouses we stopped at Friday. A million plus in inventory was my guess.
I was eyeing the watering and fertilizing pumps and plumbing arrangement.

It's not a fight here but there are going to be complaints over roofers in the flower beds. Because someone insists on planting flowers near places that should be kept open..
My special purpose the past 2-3 days has been to try to rock/move even slightly a potato stuck in a glass container that someone (not me!) rooted therein. I thought it was going to break the glass all by itself.
Won the struggle last night finally.
Won't that standout on my resume!

Keep seeing plants shrubs and trees on a local craigslist. A gal we know starts stuff from seed every year and does great. One of those people that naturally relate to plants. Vs plants fearing my hand for good reason.
The money is there though. And with porch type pick up....Depending on your areas regulations nd your neighbors you might be able to keep busy a couple or more hours a day outside of the "work" type work. I'm almost half tempted...

Ahh .
Yet you still are !

Any plants you're tending ? Didn't some move with you too?

I tried to do some math at a greenhouse we stopped at. Well , at one of the flowers ect. greenhouses we stopped at Friday. A million plus in inventory was my guess.
I was eyeing the watering and fertilizing pumps and plumbing arrangement.

It's not a fight here but there are going to be complaints over roofers in the flower beds. Because someone insists on planting flowers near places that should be kept open..
My special purpose the past 2-3 days has been to try to rock/move even slightly a potato stuck in a glass container that someone (not me!) rooted therein. I thought it was going to break the glass all by itself.
Won the struggle last night finally.
Won't that standout on my resume!

Keep seeing plants shrubs and trees on a local craigslist. A gal we know starts stuff from seed every year and does great. One of those people that naturally relate to plants. Vs plants fearing my hand for good reason.
The money is there though. And with porch type pick up....Depending on your areas regulations nd your neighbors you might be able to keep busy a couple or more hours a day outside of the "work" type work. I'm almost half tempted...
I keep myself busy. If stuck in my own head things are worse so I do keep busy. But things are so bad it's interfering with my ability to stay busy as what I'm feeling is often overwhelming me.

I keep myself busy. If stuck in my own head things are worse so I do keep busy. But things are so bad it's interfering with my ability to stay busy as what I'm feeling is often overwhelming me.
Friend told about test driving a front wheel drive years ago . (We weren't used to the concept yet.)
Very large puddles from the heavy rain had him slowing down ; but the salesman told him to "power through it".
Which to my friend meant romp and stomp with permission!
Totally different performance and results .
Been times since ; and some real crap ones at that , that I've told myself to "power through it".
I'll skip Sam and Daves "Soul Man" song. You can find it. That's what got me through the worst rough work starts years ago. Something about the horns.
Your song is yours. One you hit upon that works similar sometimes if you help it. Or one you don't know but is in your head anyways. Because , it's yours.
Not uncommon.
Sometimes you can tell someone is for real about it. Them's songs I like a lot!


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Had a coworker practically being my shadow the last couple of days. She has been watching me and finally called me into her office yesterday. She says okay something is wrong with you and I hate seeing you this way. So had to tell her what's going on though she still continues to follow me around. Only good thing about work my coworkers and the residents for whatever reason really like me so everyone keeps checking on me and asking me if I'm okay. Had several coworkers find me and ask I just say I'm okay for the most part and go on about the day as I still really have no desire to interact with people

Had a coworker practically being my shadow the last couple of days. She has been watching me and finally called me into her office yesterday. She says okay something is wrong with you and I hate seeing you this way. So had to tell her what's going on though she still continues to follow me around. Only good thing about work my coworkers and the residents for whatever reason really like me so everyone keeps checking on me and asking me if I'm okay. Had several coworkers find me and ask I just say I'm okay for the most part and go on about the day as I still really have no desire to interact with people
Well then .. Sing!

Had a coworker practically being my shadow the last couple of days. She has been watching me and finally called me into her office yesterday. She says okay something is wrong with you and I hate seeing you this way. So had to tell her what's going on though she still continues to follow me around. Only good thing about work my coworkers and the residents for whatever reason really like me so everyone keeps checking on me and asking me if I'm okay. Had several coworkers find me and ask I just say I'm okay for the most part and go on about the day as I still really have no desire to interact with people
Try handing her a flower as a thanks for caring; and declare the current day a good day?
Careful though. You might wake up with a bandage where your kidney used to be and a co-worker who doesn't come back to work again.

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