It's certainly dry, and no amount of water is cutting it in the garden for the germination of some seeds.
Oh the deep ones stand a chance between waterings but anything shallow gets dried out quick.
I've put over 400 gallons on the berry patch garden over the past 3 days.
Transplanted some more stuff today and did the mulching and weed barrier paper for cutting down on the weeding.
Weeds seem to love anything, dry, wet, don't matter it seems.
Harness strapped a 4x4 round bale and dumped it in to pond.
Shall see what happens when I plant a crop of potatoes into it.
Did some small square ones a few years back, mixed results.
Well another day down, birds are discussing nest allocation.
The Eastern Phoebe lost her 2 babies on a cold night.

She left and returned again today to claim her nest that another was looking at for a cheap rental.
We have another nesting in a little tree in the garden shrubbery, a robin on the other side of the house.
I don't know why they like the house this year.
More birds-less bugs.
She wasn't impressed with me snapping a photo.
I see Max helped with the nest, construction.
The birds really like his garden hairs. We left it out for them in the spring.
Nest is probably 3" across the opening.
This was 3 days ago. Better photo.