I started a new project. I own the entire Gettysburg soundtrack. If you go on YouTube today, you'll find "complete" versions of the soundtrack, but only 17 videos. Ha! There are closer to 30 music tracks. I have all of them, and little by little, I'll be releasing the full track. Here's a few I uploaded today.
Well I made it barely...where is every..body? Hello?
This is what happens when you party too hardy, ya'll disappeared!
I'll be below deck...counting rum barrels and sheep.
Keep hearing music...it's over, it's over...����
...I'll figure it out in the morning, good night crew mates...where ever you are!
Just checked and for those who live in the northern areas sunset Dec 21/19 was 4:13pm and today Jan 2/20 it will be 4:22pm so we've gained 9 minutes of daylight already.