Have replace bearings in equipment that just seem to not be what the claim.
Then the new improved seem to be doing what they claim.
Time will tell for sure.
I've had more lifespan out of caster bearings than they should have lasted.
At least for keeping them prime.
Snow depth factors , and repeated wettings. I see them leak on the floor in the house after when they get exposed...
Originals( not unlike many other products ) contain minimum qualities.
Some chair users prefer certain after market skateboard bearings.
I looked at some but not in depth enough to see if my size was involved.
My centers are 5/16th / 8 mm. More offerings (builds of chairs with) of 3/8 centers.
Is that a 16th of an inch difference? L.o.l.. Let's build them all different.
I've a chair in the tarp shed with bicycle bearings common even in third world countries. A good concept in a build. At least for the user. As it was designed through a group of people helping those in need worldwide. Regardless of politics. Putting disabled to work by free sourcing designs and fixture specs , distribution ect..
Getting service and or parts is crazy here , it's worse elsewhere.
Had a medical supply/service company out to the house one winter night and had to show one of the guys how to drill out stuck/stripped fasteners to replace parts after letting him sweat it awhile.. With my tools of course.
Had a bike shop so nervous about my wanting 100p.s.i. in rear wheels on a chair I almost had to do it myself. So much for trying a bike shop for service. ( In fairness they were wanting to help.)
A younger me would be making a living through sales and service to the disabled.
Seeing and experiencing what I have , it's ridiculous.
And the forecast is for greater demand.
Europe beats us hands down on offerings.
Folks seemingly seeking a great profit margin has propulsion systems to assist manual chairs often far outpricing simply buying an electric wheel chair or scooter.
Service provisioning is big city pretty much. I tried the only company I found elsewhere as previously mentioned. A fun winter night I kept them outside on , to keep the dogs from assisting.
This chair awaiting bearings doesn't fold , and I don't want to drop it off somewhere and be without it. I can work on it. Others likely still need help.
The company I used to refer customers to when I worked in R.V.service that does conversions and adds stuff to vehicles I had do my truck.
Boy has that been a disappointing eye opener! On multiple levels. And I'm not alone on that topic.