What a disappointment for me to realize that all the 1715 sites are just buried. There were a couple spots that were showing a peek at some older sand, but the reality is that these great looking cuts were really just cuts in the renourishment sand.....not even any good shell pockets or sea glass. I managed to get a tack, some lead.....and that was all relating to 1715 wrecks. At least the keys has enough to keep me interested.....I realize that what I have been finding at home is far more than these poor guys are finding here....times 10 !! You see other hunters, and think to yourself..... they must be doing better than me....until you stop and talk to them.....it sucks up here at the moment....even after the storm, king tides, and erosion.....all the renourishment sand is pulled down over the entire beach.....and now that I know which beaches to hunt.....its time to leave. Can't wait to get back home....its better !!