Funny....because he is involved in the treasure salvage industry, and is pretty well known.....he gets the publicity !!
A little known treasure hunter in the fl. Keys named black Bart found a cache of 1733 coins in 2021 and got no publicity at all ?? And just 2 of his coins in the cache could hold values of 20,000$+ EACH !! funny how things can often be carefully managed to create hype....this hype gets you noticed by heavy hitters in the industry, and thats what you need if you want to get a full time treasure job with the best and biggest operators in the treasure world.....similar to getting noticed in Hollywood for your acting skills, only its getting noticed in the small, elite, and exclusive professional treasure world !! A well played social media campaign by Jonah!! And good for him....his stock (so to speak) has risen, and more opportunities, and perhaps investors will seek him out now !!
Your about to see my story do the same thing....this is what I've been doing with Instagram, and all this TV/youtube stuff this last month. Im hoping to get that extra attention that gets me the job position as a professional in the industry that I've dreamed of since that day on vero beach seeing that ring come up....and all those days with grandpa as a young boy looking for pirate treasure in the keys, bahamas, and treasure coast. I may have to switch coins that I wear because this one is about to get a lot of attention !! To go to vero and find that impossible 1715 coin would really be a win for my stock also.....WOOOO HOOOO !! im blessed to even be in this position and sometimes can't believe the opportunity that I have been given in life !! So ill leave at 200pm today and try to complete my 1715 goal this long weekend.....phippsfolly, petes pocket, and gibbsail, will all be there for me to lean on and learn from !! And if I fail....(which is more than likely) ill still have an awsome long weekend with family and friends.....and we will fish like men too !!