Sometimes others look through their eyes and see a big old, easy going, leave it, he'll do it, isn't he the best.Wtf....I feel like I have to have my family sign an agreement plan to help me clean up after our weekend adventures !! Ungrateful, lazy, and slobs.....I have to plan load and transport everything needed for a day on the water. I often spend hours in the hot humid mornings outside loading gear for the day....only to have my family through everything down in the front yard and leave me struggling for 3 days after to put it away. When someone packs a cooler for everyone to enjoy....I expect that person to clean it up afterwards. Not leave it to rot in the hot sun for 3 days. What a bunch of Ungrateful.......aww never mind !! Just another waste of energy that ill need to get stuff cleaned would be great to have help though.....see ya.....I've got to work some more after work !!
Though if you say anything a lot of times it's like you are a total.
Yes a thoughtful well executed plan is what you need there Bart.
Best of luck