I accidently when cleaning in the chicken pen got too close to the bantam hen with her brood and she jumped on my back caught me by surprised and scared the hell out of me lol
We used to mark eggs in a clutch to leave for a broody hen to set on.
Then have to remove the fresh eggs daily.
Some of them certainly contested being bothered!
One of the farms I milked on had a couple cows that didn't like milking time.
They'd wait for just the right moment to kick. At interestingly agile angles sometimes.
Enough to develop cat like reflexes in us kids after getting hit a couple times. L.o.l..
Been around some horses you needed to watch out of the corner of your eye when handling thier feet. Some at most any time.
One defeated that by a direct approach from behind.
It seemed to like puffing air onto the top of my head and or nosing my head. Funny horse!
I thought it was debating about biting originally. But if a horse could smile or giggle , it would have.
I even tried trotting away in the field one time and it would keep right on me.
Puff puff puff. This is fun!