Personally I'd be thinking where did I find my last silver, and do some serious slow swinging.Good morning one and all, it’s Friday, AND me nd himself are off next week so no work can only mean one thing… our quest will kick into high gear, and I WILL find some treasure to make you all proud 😆 (I honestly do think of you all when I head out… I’m like… hmmm which way would those “seasoned professionals“ head if they were here…. ) 😂😂
It seems that more finds come to the pouch when slowing down, and not trying to do the 10 acre an hour detecting mode. (seen lots of that happen over the years)
"Don't be a flapping chicken out there in the fields"
It's tempting to cover lots of ground, but sometimes it takes patience to find the little ones.
There's a good rule of thumb to see how one has detected that day.
Spread everything out-have a look, are they small, medium, or large finds.
The more little small items one has tells the story that the coil hasn't missed much.
If most are chunky, large then it's time to slow the swing down.
Some successful folks play the numbers game-more targets dug=more the chances of getting a keeper.
Can't argue that game as I have seen the results and played the game also.
Best of luck on the week of digging-a tad green around the gills thinking about that one.