Yup....glad I wasn't there.
Years ago I was detecting in the High Park ravines I Toronto.
I smelt that sweet smell of death odor.
I looked down at the bottom of the ravine where a small creek was running through.
On a little raised section there was a body that looked like a baby.
I really didn't want to see this, yet I had to know for sure.
It was laying on its back, couldn't see the head as it was flopped over the rise.
I started down the steep bank, sliding, shovel driven into the bank for a brake.
1/2 way down I started to get doubts of this is going to really Frig the mind up-should I just leave, call it in.
No if it turned out to be a plastic doll or something I would be a fool.
So I threw the emotions into a compartment, steeled up the thoughts, and carried on.
Reaching the wet bottom of the ravine and puddle hopping onto dry sections of earth I managed to get 20 ft away, then I saw what it was.
A large cat that had lost all its fur, bloated up, all pinkish grey.
I went no further to look, that was enough trauma for the day.
Still it rented space up there 15 yrs later.
Have seen dead before but to come across something like this was not a good one, as it was too real.