THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Yes....I agree. Every charter business has specific areas they specialize in....when I get fully up and running I would like to have a take out type menu of activities I can offer. Its difficult to stand out amongst so many fishing/snokeling/eco type charters. So im trying to think outside the box and offer different options in addition to the normal charter boat offerings. Metal detecting lessons so far has been a hit with customers.
That's what it takes sometimes is thinking out of the box to stand out from the rest.
Really it's a win-win you get some $$$ for the experience and getting the itch scratched at the sometime.

Your item arrived at our EUGENE OR DISTRIBUTION CENTER destination facility on July 30, 2022 at 3:08 am. The item is currently in transit to the destination.

Alabama to Hawaii then Oregon! OK.

Your item arrived at our EUGENE OR DISTRIBUTION CENTER destination facility on July 30, 2022 at 3:08 am. The item is currently in transit to the destination.

Alabama to Hawaii then Oregon! OK.
Simple justification of shipping costs in today's world.


My boy and my nephew....these guys are my best friends ❤ I taught them how to catch lobsters this mini season. My boy had his first taste last night !! I immediately go and hang with the kids and snorkel or fish....keeps me away from the grown ups and there stupid political conversations.....there's much more important skills to teach these boys like catching your own food !!

Oh my lord !! Thats hot !! Is that normal to see Temps like that OV.....or is this the global warming thing
I think that is above normal heat.

Actually according to this article records could be broken, but not by much. They all come over here to the coast.


Greetings and hallucinations one and all. May your weekend be filled with treasure and happiness. Hope you get better Lady WD, and happy hunting Lady Blossom.
Your son is a chip off the old treasure ship, Bart.
At least the postal service is consistent, OV. Same here.
Guess you picked all the berries in Cabada, Sir Pepper.
Cap'n ARC, I tried to defend you against that comment by pepper about you being a drunken boss, but seriously, hard to defend.

Im already thinking about swimming hole dosent open for a couple more hours !!......really need to go buy a new battery for the boat and get some range again....much more opportunity for gold out there at the spots that can only be accessed by boat. Keeps many hunters from getting out there....must have boat !!

Greetings and hallucinations one and all. May your weekend be filled with treasure and happiness. Hope you get better Lady WD, and happy hunting Lady Blossom.
Your son is a chip off the old treasure ship, Bart.
At least the postal service is consistent, OV. Same here.
Guess you picked all the berries in Cabada, Sir Pepper.
Cap'n ARC, I tried to defend you against that comment by pepper about you being a drunken boss, but seriously, hard to defend.
Morning Trav.
I am amazed so much recall comes from you so early in the AM.
I think you have a memory like a steel trap-nothing gets by you.

Still a daily thing those raspberries-yum.
All the blueberries are processed-jam even-really yummy-no sugar.

Morning Trav.
I am amazed so much recall comes from you so early in the AM.
I think you have a memory like a steel trap-nothing gets by you.

Still a daily thing those raspberries-yum.
All the blueberries are processed-jam even-really yummy-no sugar.
A steel trap maybe years back. Think the trap be a little worn and loose now, but thanks.

Will blackberries were prolific here this year. Bears love them.

.. and good morning to my other favourite people, as mentioned I’m off to play in the dirt, we are trying a new field that was once a ( horse )race course…. Hopefully our drunken ancestors will have dropped a lot of cool stuff 😆 xx hope you all have a fun filled, action packed Saturday xx Enjoy xx
I sure hope you find some good treasures! Have fun!

Bart is being polite and letting other pirates have the poop deck.....just listening.

Also in the middle of lobster mini season !! Teaching everyone to use the the lobster lasso this year !! View attachment 2038834
Gosh he’s getting tall!

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