Good morning crew mates!
Thank you for the condolences. Much appreciated. Truth be told, she passed last week, I didn't want to let the dark cloud cover the ship. Simon, yesterday was the hardest day of my life because my cousins had a blow up on FB because some of them didn't get the memo and it was ugly! Then one of them posted the obit to my FB timeline and I didn't want that. I asked her to edit it off. Then I get on here to try to escape, and we have this issue on here (don't mean to lay a guilt trip, I understand the frustration we have all shared on these threads) then the funeral, then to top it off, the same cuz that posted obit has not edited off of my timeline
and posted live on FB the funeral procession. So I am in the mist of a mega melt down and am afraid of what I may post (like all this info). ARC, so sorry to bum out the thread, but I am laying it all out so everyone knows what page I am on.
Now to carry on.
My thoughts:
ARC is the Cap'n of this ship. We need to respect that. If he wants to limit pics and gifs in an attempt to keep the thread going on and on, so be it.
ARC could decide to "let it go" and resolve to keep starting new threads when the thread gets shut down.
Someone could start a new thread somewhere (Nonsense imo) to goof around with the pics and gifs and go into it knowing that the threads will get locked eventually and you will have to start a new one.
Either way, it's become obvious that the threads
will be shut down due to the data overload.
I have fallen in love with this ship and all the pirates and piratesses that sail on it. Such a diverse group and lots to learn and share. So, y'all are stuck with me.

Pardon me, it may be the El Cafecito posting.