Gearing up to do my dive rotation on the treasure boat...newest greatest find is a large keel pin.....last year we found the intact and remarkably preserved 15 foot long galleon rudder !! A mind blowing find, and getting to the end of the trail......keel pins mean your close to the main site......our mag data is showing a serious cluster after a lower slower mag pass.....the boys have been out 3-4 days at a time re magging our old lease box !! I've been getting tooth work done, and am waiting for my implants to heal before I can dive to depth.....doc says excessive pressure can damage implants when there not hardened with time and healing. Im so happy to think that our wreck could be on the opposite side of the hawk channel in the clean shallow sand, and not in the zero vis mud in 50 foot !! I still think it will be a miracle to find the 5000 pounds of registered gold in the shallows of the Florida keys !! I never give up hope though.....if the gold shipment is intact, then its all in a very small area, and could be missed very easily by others.....5000 pounds of gold would be about a pallet load.....a small target in a large ocean !!