Thanks for asking WD
Max is Max it seems, doing ok-I guess.
The Mrs is doing some care a few times a day as he has a gland tear on his arse.
So it's an epson salts with some medicated drops on warm compresses.
Just waiting for the other blood report to come back for the Lyme.
Never got to the Bubble's bumble foot issue.
By the time I knocked off for the day it was 9pm dinner, so we'z had a full day.
It's on the to-do schedule for tonight.
Dark/get him/wrap in towel/hold on back/soak foot for 10 minutes in epson salts bath/lance/drain/sanitize/wrap
In this process is to make him feel relaxed-From what I've gleamed off a few sites it's 7-10 day healing. With repeated dressing changing.
Sounds easy right?
Either way it eats up time out of a day tending to them-but that's what we try to do is make their lives the best in every way we can.