That's a nice bottle. Did you buy it?
Yes. Here’s the haggling story…
After the last show, I decided my collection niche was going to be Ohio Bottles. I relayed this information to my friend, BuckIdgr. I told her I didn’t know much about what’s a good bottle to collect and what wasn’t. I said you just look at all and if one catches your eye and it is a good price, I should say comfortable price, buy it. I was supposed to be taking a video, and this was the biggest bottle show I have been to. The first row we went down was mostly milk bottles. I ended up nearly being knocked down while trying to record, so I gave up with the video. I got one row and a half into the looking when that bottle caught my eye. I thought, “ That’s old! That looks like something Bart would pull out of the mangrove. Looks piratey!”
The seller started telling me that it was late 1700’s to mid 1800’s rum bottle.
I have no poker face. Lol. The guy knew I wanted it. He then told us a story about him at another show explaining to young lady how to haggle for a price because all these bottles have a cushion built into the sticker price. We told him that we weren’t hagglers, if we see something we liked and were comfortable paying the price, we would get it or just walk away. He told us to look at what price that guy in the next row is selling them for. I asked him if I could take a pic and ask my friends on Tnet what they thought. Sure he said. Made the post and walked away. Every few minutes I was hitting refresh button. Dang metal roof! Finished walking down the row, still nothing. Turned up the next row, got halfway up and came upon the other guy’s display. Yep same kind of bottle, but for $350.00!!!!!! I started hitting the refresh button again, come on somebody please reply! I seen
@RustyRelics post and told BuckIdgr that I was buying it if it’s still there. It was. There was another customer so I took the opportunity to adjust my shirt down a little in front, cross my arms, took a piratey stance with my hip to the side, tilted my head, smiled and once I got his attention I asked, “So what would you take for it?” He said,”$75.” So, this almost 59 year old piratey grandma has enough going on that she can get a whopping $10.00 knocked off the selling price. Lmao! Rofl!
I didn’t haggle over anything else I bought that day. Lol
That is now the most I have paid for a bottle. I don’t think I want to pay much more than that.