Good morning, pirates! It's been a little challenging in WD World! As I already stated, we kept our little granddaughter Friday night. Saturday, MR went to work and then came home with dimmer light switches for LED lights. You know where this is going, don't you? The first one went smoothly. Then he moved to this panel for all the lights in the kitchen. The second went smoothly. The third went smoothly. The fourth one had a jumper wire to the third one, and it broke. The last frigging switch. So, he had to go bum some wire off of someone and came back. Covid fog set in and he couldn't get the wires figured out. Oh but wait! It gets better. He calls a friend, who's whole career is maintenance for multiple apartment complexes. "Are you any good with 3-way switches?" "Oh, yeah, no problem." 5 hours later, we have no lights and all the flipping wires are all mixed up on the whole panel! I took the granddaughter home and came back and settled for one small lamp and the stove light to cook and clean by. Oh and the refrigerator if I leave the door open! I informed the MR that he is not allowed to start anymore projects for 6 months, making sure the Fog crap is cleared up! I was exhaused yesterday, but I tried to get cleaned up and motivated. I did manage to get some of my bottles cleaned. Then I crashed. He woke me up to go pick up prescriptions. I made him take me out to eat and then we went to the antique shop. He also went without supper last night. I have about 10 bottles left to figure out, and then I will get pics. The electrician who originally wired our house is going to be here at 9:30. I have to go make coffee. I will be back. You have been warned!