Blak bart
Platinum Member
You know me well....even though we've never met in person !! The ocean is my church....the motion is my choir...I can here the lords voice in the wind, and feel the warm touch of God in the morning rays of sun. I especially like the sunsets to express my gratitude and graciousness to the higher powers who have blessed me with another day in this world with the ones I love and care for !!Mornin Bart.
I've a very patient and gracious minister for a brother in law.
Knew him when he was a teen and he's always been steady and kind.
Dad got involved with a religious group and I got a concerned call about it.
There was worry they'd extract money from him.
My reply was , does Dad understand what he is doing?
Are the people mean to anyone?
And if Dad is clear minded , who's money is it?
And that I was visiting when an old couple stopped to visit. A carpenter who Dad thought well of and his wife.
Don't know how many times they stopped but Dad enjoyed talking to the guy.
His involvement was brief in my eyes. They built a new facility and it wasn't the same as service held in or attached a restaurant.
Dad being a foodie enjoyed dining after. And never minded a crowd he could sit mostly quietly to await dessert in. L.o.l..
Theology is an interesting study no doubt.
People are a / the church.
But for some , there are or is a place it makes more sense.
For me a cedar swamp/bottom with jackstrawed timbers both old dead dying and green and rejuvenating younger trees in the mix at that time of morning when sunrays are streaking as a new days promise is confirmed.
I've been in cathedrals. Some neat stuff. But natures cathedral is just as impressive when sensed just so.
For someone else it could be rolling on swells and the sound between tinkle and chimes when the hull is underway just right sometimes in a calm spot. Not always duplicable by will, but just as real. Hard to grasp ahold of and not preservable to take to shore and show someone. But why should it be? If it was it wouldn't be uniquely special in it's native place.
Been there for countless generations. But few have heard it. Or felt what is felt in the moments.