THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

You no what.....WHO KNOWS.....I've planned on living with this thing since it began. My own common sense and life experiences with getting sick is how I roll. This is actually the end of the pandemic in my eyes, and the beginning of an endemic virus. It will become just like the flu and common cold, and we will see it every year in some form or another. If the mutations continue on schedule we will see this virus in various strengths from year to year. It will effect the different genomes in different ways....just like the flu. Some will die, some will get sick, and some will barley feel it...tis the law of nature.....only the strong survive !! No need for me to over think any of it. Its here to stay and it won't be long before we see covid cough syrup, and many other sorts of covid specific meds on the shelves. I won't change my life because I fear my own mortality.....I will modify my behavior to protect the people around me. How many people die from complications of the flu ?? ALOT !!

There was a flu going around the area in 2019. So ticking the boxes off for COVID symptoms one would be 80% of all the boxes checked.
March 2019-took a month to shake it
August 2019-ended up in emergency for treatment
lingering effects after that-damaged the lungs from not getting treatment the first time.
The infection rate was just look at somebody and they became infected. It was passed around the hamlet and district back and forth.
Then COVID hit-too many of us now think it was an early strain-or the health depts had no idea even.
I do know one thing-not one of us that had it once or twice in 2019 have had COVID in since this hit the mainstream.
I'm not hte only one that is doing the :icon_scratch::dontknow:

And i think it depends alot on WHEN and even HOW it hits you....

for example.... if your body is up it could shed it quick... but if your "run down" and catch it than it will be much worse.... like us now...

If you remember we had been going and going rippin and runnin... we both were exhausted and very worn down when we came into contact we have deduced.

My dear aunt was a funny old gal, and growing up we'd all hear the famous line if one had a sniffle/ache/headache her response was always the same.."You probably got that goddamn flu!" :laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

You see.....WD really hit home with me when she said don't lay around on your back !! Think about this.....first thing that your told when your sick is to rest.....I've taken a different approach. If you are resting per doctors orders that means your laying down and sleeping alot....NOOOOO !! DONT DO THAT !! Laying in the same position on your back letting your lungs fill with phlegm and fluid is not gonna be my approach !! Force yourself to eat... ALOT...get the Metabolism working....flood your body with fluids and piss the virus out of your body...load up on vitamins, and keep your body active, and your heart working good....move around and keep up your normal pace.....obviously you will have moments of difficulty and fatigue.....time to eat and drink and load up on fuel to fight this thing......I think laying down, and barley having a metabolic reaction, and a low heart rate, and no activity is just inviting this virus to finish you off without a fight !!

On the flip side of this is the risk of over fatigue and not enough just trying the opposite of what most people think they should do.....I hope it dosent back fire on me and I find out this was the wrong approach. As a competitor and natural athlete I've learned to listen to my body and understand its demands relatively well.....its telling me stay on your feet and stay active.....I rest and recharge at the slightest hint from my rest consists of sitting up right and cramming another 2000 calories in the wood stove ( my stomach). I will burn this virus out and quickly like this.....I hope. Instead of listening to fauci, and government I will listen to the whispers from my own body and react accordingly.

Now I still have to isolate and thats fine....ill isolate in the woods with the EQX never gets sick unless I drown it !!:headbang::headbang::headbang:

Morning Bill and Jim. :coffee2:
Dave, Well judging by the snow coming if you're having the same weather good that you're doing you planning and paperwork at home today. Beats being on the road in these conditions. Remember to "Plan your work and work your plan"...hope your paycheck pops up today.

Well ARC.....thats can only do what you think is best for you, and each person's battle with this will be different. Without jinxing myself....I'd say this is not to bad for me at all !! But if I were to take all the doomsayers advice then I would be immobilized and laying in my bunk and feeling scared and helpless....FU.K THAT !! I will fight it on my feet until it puts me on the canvas....or I kick its ass !!

Soon or a later someone will admit that the vaccines have fallen short of expectations......that being said....I still personally feel that they are the main reason I'm feeling pretty good throughout this sickness.....the problem is there is no way to prove to anyone that they have had a positive factor in keeping my case mild ?? Maybe I would have had the same mild reaction to covid even if I wasn't vaxed. If you've been vaxed you'll never know.....if you haven't been vaxed you'll never know if it would have helped. I did everything I could possibly do not to catch it including vaccines, and I still caught it. So it failed at keeping me from catching it, and how can anyone really be sure if its made a difference in the intensity of my sickness. Perhaps twins should be used in clinical studies, one vaxed, and one not vaxed. Intensity of the virus could be studied in identical genomes that way and a determination made as to the effectiveness of the vaccine considering the intensity of the sickness in both subjects !!

Soon or a later someone will admit that the vaccines have fallen short of expectations......that being said....I still personally feel that they are the main reason I'm feeling pretty good throughout this sickness.....the problem is there is no way to prove to anyone that they have had a positive factor in keeping my case mild ?? Maybe I would have had the same mild reaction to covid even if I wasn't vaxed. If you've been vaxed you'll never know.....if you haven't been vaxed you'll never know if it would have helped. I did everything I could possibly do not to catch it including vaccines, and I still caught it. So it failed at keeping me from catching it, and how can anyone really be sure if its made a difference in the intensity of my sickness. Perhaps twins should be used in clinical studies, one vaxed, and one not vaxed. Intensity of the virus could be studied in identical genomes that way and a determination made as to the effectiveness of the vaccine considering the intensity of the sickness in both subjects !!
Its one of two things either its.

Well, you all have to make your own choices and I believe it should be an individual’s choice and not mandatory. I will be getting my 2nd shot and any boosters that come along. The thing is, this virus is not going to go away. No matter how or why it came to be, us peons are left to deal with the consequences. Right now, these vaccines are all we have, unless you know what you are playing around with with the horse medicine. Maybe in the future something more tested, more efficient will be developed.

Mr WD’s words were (and I have to substitute due to site rules), “I took one for the team. I played Russian roulette with the virus and it nearly killed me. Get the :censored:ing shot!”

On a lighter note… he also said that I missed my chance. I could’ve had a new man.

Mornin all.

Once someone begins to mend , my naughty side comes out trying to incentivize faster recovery.

In your case , something like bringing a page of yard sale stickers to fill out while visiting him.

Fishing rods 10 dollars each.
Lures a dollar each , ect.

Do be in a position to beat him out the door just in case a miraculous burst of energy should arise!


Soon or a later someone will admit that the vaccines have fallen short of expectations......that being said....I still personally feel that they are the main reason I'm feeling pretty good throughout this sickness.....the problem is there is no way to prove to anyone that they have had a positive factor in keeping my case mild ?? Maybe I would have had the same mild reaction to covid even if I wasn't vaxed. If you've been vaxed you'll never know.....if you haven't been vaxed you'll never know if it would have helped. I did everything I could possibly do not to catch it including vaccines, and I still caught it. So it failed at keeping me from catching it, and how can anyone really be sure if its made a difference in the intensity of my sickness. Perhaps twins should be used in clinical studies, one vaxed, and one not vaxed. Intensity of the virus could be studied in identical genomes that way and a determination made as to the effectiveness of the vaccine considering the intensity of the sickness in both subjects !!

Expectations overblown.
I'll agree with you on that.

Headache. Bloody nose. Tired. Productive smokers cough.
Caused by arthritis , smoking , and super dry air in the house from running the furnace and dry air outdoors in the cold.
No , I don't have Covid.
Have never been tested yet.
I have to fight to get out of bed more than usual , and feel as bad as I did after my second shot , then I'll get tested.

Virus does not cease it's effectively being passed about due to vaccination.
Vaccination does not reduce or eliminate exposure.
Yet it seems a lot of people expected immunity and the virus to not mutate and just fade away.

I figured a year to get things understood and a consistent plan established in dealing with a new virus. Yeah , I missed big time.
Ladyfriend said five years....

Mornin all.

Once someone begins to mend , my naughty side comes out trying to incentivize faster recovery.

In your case , something like bringing a page of yard sale stickers to fill out while visiting him.

Fishing rods 10 dollars each.
Lures a dollar each , ect.

Do be in a position to beat him out the door just in case a miraculous burst of energy should arise!

Hmmm Fishing rods for 5 and lures for 50 cents and i am getting dressed... where is this sale ?

Hmmm Fishing rods for 5 and lures for 50 cents and i am getting dressed... where is this sale ?
W.D.'s place!
Maybe for extra insult , in the she-shed Mr. W.D. built ...:blackbeard:

(R.C. looks towards door expecting a suspicious knock and an enraged Mr. W.D. in amazingly instant health recovery form about to begin a vigorous fencing lesson with a heavy fishing rod in hand...)

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