THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Philip the 5th:)

Sorry, but I'm laughing!

You gotta be more like me.
First , such a find never happens until many hours are in for the day to be burnt out enough to advance to #2.

#2. You ( As I) stab it with your digger out of impatience with prior junk recoveries before even seeing it and mar the face with a fresh deep groove.
Then you lose it in your pouch. Or was it in a pocket? Sock? Hat brim? I had it safe somewhere. (Just in case someone else wanted to stab it too.)

If you're going to drop a prize , do it over a poorly covered drain ect..
Or at least somewhere you can't find it for half an hour.

Congrats on the neat score! And on getting out.
I kinda like it just like it is. (Here ya go , try these pliers...l.o.l.. No! Don't.) But it's yours to do whatever with.
Remember WIF's rule. These things we find? Do not *WANT* to be found! Don't believe? Just watch how hard they work to get lost again!! :dontknow:

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Roger, I see you're having fun with your new toy.
Yeah pretty cool toy :) Amazing how much detail is in the smallest things. A few years ago(on the Miller table) a perfectly formed Hart shaped picker appeared.I'm trying to find it ,to enlarge it :love2:

You need to change that time stamp on the screen.
Very COOL photos.
I've always wanted one of these toys. (cough!Hack!) I mean highly sophisticated measuring tools that will enhance my historical research dear.:laughing7:
Reading Chinese is not my thing ,even when their instructions are in English there's a lot lost in translation:BangHead: :icon_scratch:

I am troubled by what I am reading in the latest news of the day.
Mandatory vax
Seriously flawed way of thinking
Simple facts
80/20 split on double vexed to no vaxxed (rounding the #s for simple math)
50/50 split in the ICU
Blame it on the nonvaxxed
Take away the right to choose-and in some cases the right to buy legal products (booze/drugs)
So the nonvaxxed get all vaxxed-what is the net gain?
Simple math
80% of the 50%=40%
So now add the 50%+40%=90% of total vaxxed in the ICU
So who will they blame next-you?

In the responses from the general population
I am comforted by the Patria o muerte as a whole.

Time to crawl back into the hermit shell/cave as the outside world is now knocking to play.

Is this the official "coon report" ? ? ?
That Coon is down and napping Capt.
I know need a pic.
Trust me it's just hibernating on the ice.
So yup that's the official "coon report"

I am troubled by what I am reading in the latest news of the day.
Mandatory vax
Seriously flawed way of thinking
Simple facts
80/20 split on double vexed to no vaxxed (rounding the #s for simple math)
50/50 split in the ICU
Blame it on the nonvaxxed
Take away the right to choose-and in some cases the right to buy legal products (booze/drugs)
So the nonvaxxed get all vaxxed-what is the net gain?
Simple math
80% of the 50%=40%
So now add the 50%+40%=90% of total vaxxed in the ICU
So who will they blame next-you?

In the responses from the general population
I am comforted by the Patria o muerte as a whole.

Time to crawl back into the hermit shell/cave as the outside world is now knocking to play.
BEST thing you can do IS turn the Freaking news OFF !!!!! Theres NOTHING you/me/any of us can do to change the outcome of any of this Mostly BS so called News .

I am troubled by what I am reading in the latest news of the day.
Mandatory vax
Seriously flawed way of thinking
Simple facts
80/20 split on double vexed to no vaxxed (rounding the #s for simple math)
50/50 split in the ICU
Blame it on the nonvaxxed
Take away the right to choose-and in some cases the right to buy legal products (booze/drugs)
So the nonvaxxed get all vaxxed-what is the net gain?
Simple math
80% of the 50%=40%
So now add the 50%+40%=90% of total vaxxed in the ICU
So who will they blame next-you?

In the responses from the general population
I am comforted by the Patria o muerte as a whole.

Time to crawl back into the hermit shell/cave as the outside world is now knocking to play.
Jim, Well if you believe the stats it shows that the non vaxed are 4 times more likely to end up in ICU versus the double vaxed. They're trying to reduce the total number of patients in ICU because the entire medical system is stretched to the max.

If you and the missus have medical conditions that a doctor agrees to sign off on you should get a pass on not taking the vaccine. Doesn't hurt to check with your doctor and see what's up.

Mornin all.

Coon report. No coon.
Deer tracks by the house and shed from browsing during the single digit temps in the wee hours.

I.C.U.'s I've been in and visited are quite limited in capacity. Understandably , why have all the expense invested in unused space and equipment above historic trend/ need?
(Few people want to buy two spare tires with a new vehicle. A cost, . space , and amortization/value thing.)
Run like a business , averages must be considered in perceived future potential need.
Preplanning space for epidemics requiring high rates of bed and equipment use would be a hard sell prior to epidemic.

All to say , it don't take much of a crowd to fill up I.C.U. space. Vaccinated or not.
Thus all the fuss about how to reduce patients needing an I.C.U..

The gracious folks working the I.C.U. last time when Dad was dying in there were incredible.
Our career nurse sister dying of cancer was with us and could speak the lingo , but knew what they went through when "losing" patients.
You either get case hardened and stifle empathy, or you feel a loss each time.
That makes it hard to "change hats" when you leave "work".

We all want patients to leave doing handsprings instead of going to the morgue.
When it's lose lose lose lose patients...Morale takes a hit.

I don't demand anyone do anything regarding shots.
But do hear the caretakers saying the "house" is too full and the results are negative too often.
Regardless of if they themselves support or disagree with shots.
They are tasked with caring for others. Shouldn't we also be?

That's a beautiful find John, definitely unique. As the others have mentioned, I don't think it was a ring though, possibly a cameo brooch. :icon_scratch: Maybe consider posting it in the What is it forum.
Regardless of what it is I'm happy to have a old cameo item. Was on my bucket list of stuff. So one checked off

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