Good news WD-that was too low at the 89/90-yuk feeling-when I hit 92/93 it's a rough day in Hermitsville.Good morning Bart, Antiquarian, RTR.
Dave, I am glad your wife is okay.
Mr WD woke up early, but feeling better. Then his oxygen dropped to 89-90(teetering). Yesterday, daughter sent one of those breathing apparatuses, (this is what she went back to house for when she got in wreck) so he is using it. Got oxygen up to 94. He’s sleeping now.
If anyone wants to be prepared for this, I advise you get oximeter and a spirometer for home. Oxygen needs to be above 90. I am off. I have to get my ducks in a row here.
RTR, I watched it.
I just tested 98/45 alls good with the pepper