THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Now that would be funny.... beings that hair has been fire removed !

***ARC wonders why none of the crew asked him how his leg hairs were burned off***

Well since no one asked... i shall have you know that these legs are the product of walking the East Indian's hot coals.

***ARC thinks to himself.... "I truly will do anything for Rum"

Well me skivies have always served us well...

Why do you think no other pirates attack us...

It sure isnt that skull and crossbones flag that scares them away !
Oh man I thought that was the skid marks. :laughing7::laughing7:


***ARC wonders why none of the crew asked him how his leg hairs were burned off***

Well since no one asked... i shall have you know that these legs are the product of walking the East Indian's hot coals.

***ARC thinks to himself.... "I truly will do anything for Rum"
While hiding rum in his peg leg.:laughing7::laughing7::protest::protest:

Well Captain and my illustrious crew mates life calls....and its not the siren's song.
The 2 year old has a cold and it triggered his asthma which is getting worse so they are on the way to the hospital. Gonna be a long night.

Well Captain and my illustrious crew mates life calls....and its not the siren's song.
The 2 year old has a cold and it triggered his asthma which is getting worse so they are on the way to the hospital. Gonna be a long night.
Awww... hope he is better soon. Good to have ya back Beeps.

I don’t think so buddy. You just have to get to know us. We’re not out to hurt anyone that joins the crew.
Um.... reread poons post... I am under the distinct feeling we already know poon by another name.

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