My cousin is a geneologist, which is partly why I know so much about my families history. She wrote a book on my family history once they reached America, and I use that book constantly for research on my own.
Recently she's been diving into the family that stayed behind in Germany, and never emigrated to America. They were farmers, bankers, lawyers, all living in Trier, and little towns in the area along the Moselle River in Germany, and across the border into France a little bit. (so technically I have some Frenchie blood, even though they have the old German name.

She also found soldiers, and a bunch of them. Most served in the Franco-Prussian war of 1870-1871. She found five of them that served in WWI, and two in WWII. Mind you they are very distant cousins, not directly related. It's very cool to have that lineage, even the WWI bit. I'm a bit concerned about my WWII cousins though, however distant they may be. She's trying to see if they belonged to a um... certain "party", but hasn't found anything about it yet. One of them was killed in Russia in 1943.