THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

I'll let you guys in on a celebrity secret......I worked for Jimmy buffet, and he would constantly hum the song "sailing" i asked him about it and he told me he wished he could have made such a powerful song like sailing !! He loved that song so much that he named a small day sailer of his "MUSIC"...... Because music is her name !! Later the same year my boss bought "MUSIC" From MR. Buffett !! We have it put away in a barn as a collectors piece. She is complete with land shark beer racing sails !! So now you know Jimmy buffets favorite song !!

Im goin way down key.... searching for a new spanish site..... believe it or not 1500s coins are being found !! Or have been found in the past !! I've got it narrowed down to about a 2 mile stretch !!

Good 11:24 all...

Still raining.
Deck has not been dry in weeks it seems. Have been dry days though.
Snow in the coming weeks forecast. Shouldn't accumulate much if any though short term.

Peaceful sailing songs? Nah...


Further to the recent exchanges concerning descrimination here's Dick Stout's take on it.

I'll let you guys in on a celebrity secret......I worked for Jimmy buffet, and he would constantly hum the song "sailing" i asked him about it and he told me he wished he could have made such a powerful song like sailing !! He loved that song so much that he named a small day sailer of his "MUSIC"...... Because music is her name !! Later the same year my boss bought "MUSIC" From MR. Buffett !! We have it put away in a barn as a collectors piece. She is complete with land shark beer racing sails !! So now you know Jimmy buffets favorite song !!
I’ll share a celebrity secret as well.
When I was pretty young I used to live with Ann Margaret and Raquel Welch!

I’ll share a celebrity secret as well.
When I was pretty young I used to live with Ann Margaret and Raquel Welch!
What happen after you woke up from the dream?

You've heard of Ghost Ships.... Ya Wanna see a Ghost Boat ?:BangHead::tongue3:

Good morning Boatlode
Good morning WD.

My thoughts on discriminating vs digging everything:
In really trashy areas you will waste all your time digging up junk and won't cover much ground. Yes, there could be something good in the same hole as a piece of junk, but you have to make a time vs reward decision.

With that said I'm a beach hunter, and I want to find old iron artifacts as much as coins and jewelry. So I dig everything. Since I dig everything anyway and I also want depth, I use a PI machine. Our 1715 beaches get pounded, but I have no problem following behind other people who are detecting because I know I will be digging stuff that they either miss or pass up.
There are some beaches where I dig up a lot of nails. When that happens, I have learned to recognize the double signal from a nail and ignore those. But even then I run the risk of passing up a ship spike which also makes a double beep (no, not you @Msbeepbeep LOL). I make a time vs reward decision to cover ground and increase my chances of finding something good.

Just my opinion, I could be wrong.

What happen after you woke up from the dream?
Oh come on Treasure_Hunter, the dude fishes in the Bahamas for a living and spends his spare time finding gold coins and jewelry! Now he knows celebrities! Give me something?

I detect mostly urban green spaces, lots of trash and most times I only knock out iron since my regular sites have been heavily detected. That said I've found about 30 gold rings, lots of silver jewelry and coins, relics, buttons, etc...using this approach.

As the pickings are getting slimmer I'll even go all metal for the added depth and avoiding the risk of nulling out in the event an iron target is near something more valuable like gold or silver, etc...usually only at sites with a fair amount of age.

Bill your veggie burger video must have a XXX rating.
It's not available to view.

Some of the videos insist you watch them on youtube rather than offsite. If you click on the underlined youtube link you can watch it there. Must be something about getting the extra eyeball views so the content provider gets a credit.

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