THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

ORIGINALLY posted in the RPT.///

My metal detecting philosophy is as follows...........

IF i am detecting.... i am out there spending my time and energy looking to find something of some importance.
Ill be damned i am gonna walk over it and miss it because i have set the detector to ignore it.

FOR example....

Say you happen to walk over that "unicorn" / "mythical" .... yet FACTUAL buried pirate treasure chest...
AFTER YEARS pf detecting... you have finally walked over one...

ONLY to never find it... BECAUSE.... You have nulled iron out.

FOR... We all know... the probability of any real treasure to be buried IN IRON... OR IF EVEN said treasure was stashed in a wood box / chest....... It would have STILL been littered with iron.

SO.... To all you seekers of the "big score" on the shores...

You'll never find it... unless................................

You dig more. :)

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But they're so cute!

View attachment 1987694

Good morning, RTR.


ORIGINALLY posted in the RPT.///

My metal detecting philosophy is as follows...........

IF i am detecting.... i am out there spending my time and energy looking to find something of some importance.

Ill be damned i am gonna walk over it and miss it because i have set the detector to ignore it.

FOR example....

Say you happen to walk over that "unicorn" / "mythical" .... yet FACTUAL buried pirate treasure chest...

AFTER YEARS pf detecting... you have finally walked over one...

ONLY to never find it...


You have nulled iron out.


We all know... the probability of any real treasure to be buried IN IRON...

OR IF EVEN said treasure was stashed in a wood box / chest..

It would have STILL been littered with iron.


To all you seekers of the "big score" on the shores...

You'll never find it... unless................................

You dig more. :)
Completely agree!

But...a couple things to consider.
When testing a new machine to find two known items, on top the grass. One just might want to ignore other things under them...for the moment.

Two: Especially nowadays, if one does dig *EVERYTHING* they might as well trade a detector in for a bulldozer and a sifter.

And "C:" ..... Once a person gets old enough, the "relaxing time" is more at a premium. A good discriminating detector allows one to ID a target better....maybe....but it does *not* keep one from digging an iffy target if so desired. The technology allows for choice. Afterall, why spend all that money on a high tech detector with all that discriminating power if one is just going to use only the nondiscriminating mode and dig *everything*? Might as well buy the most powerful detector that has nothing but transmit/receive. Might even be cheaper! Also, digging a thousand holes in a park, schoolground, private matter how careful....*will* be messier! Especially when the squirrels come around later to dig up all the plugs that night to see what goodies were buried there by that stupid human! :angel12:

Just a test.


See that little curly arrow in the top right? That's as close to a "cancel" as I've found. It is an "undo" feature. I click that until the post is clear then I click post. It yells at me for trying to post an empty post. basically cancels. There's also a "delete draft" up there. :dontknow:

Well that’s interesting that “they”

Good morning, pirates.

And here it is.... the leftover draft. I must have gotten side tracked. Well, to finish the thought:

Well that’s interesting that “Scientists aren't sure why this happens.”
Mornin all.

I have an idea of causation.

More than one rooster in a small flock is often cause for conflict.
In my case , always cause for conflict.
So , roosters get culled until one remains.

A clever rooster aware of such management goes Corporal Klinger.
Not to get a section #8 , but to blend in with the hens....Despite his appearance.


I hear you about digging it all if you want to make the big score. A couple of examples I recollect from detectorists posts over the years.

1:-A long time detectorist was out in a playground using his high end detector he was with his grand daughter and he loaned her his entry level beep and dig machine. They were checking for targets in the sandy play area the veteran had notched out some of the lower targets. His grand daughter came along after him and scooped a $5,000 wedding ring.

2:-Another long time detectorist was detecting in a heavily hunted park and got a loud signal and decided to dig it. Turns out it was a flattened soda can, however, beneath it was a complete roll of silver quarters. He had proof other detectorists had passed over it as there were puncture holes in the flattened can from metal probes.

3:-A fellow on the Canadian forum using an entry level Bounty Hunter beep and dig machine managed a gold coin odds are other detectorists had passed over it as there was a rusted nail in the same hole.

Got a kick ass tip this morning.....a laser pico sailboat !! Woooo hoooo !! You may remember hank greenburg....he founde AIG insurance and was involved in a huge government. Bail out and a hostile takeover of his company. The family is super wealthy and Mr. Greenburg is 96 and served in ww2, and Korea. He's an incredible war hero. They are neighbors of my boss, and I often help out when asked. So today mr. Greenburg said come take this boat if you like no one uses it any more !! Its virtually unused and worth 4000 $ my son and nephews are gonna be so excited !!

Just a test.

View attachment 1987714

See that little curly arrow in the top right? That's as close to a "cancel" as I've found. It is an "undo" feature. I click that until the post is clear then I click post. It yells at me for trying to post an empty post. basically cancels. There's also a "delete draft" up there. :dontknow:
That’s what I was trying to explain. Thanks for the pictorial. 👍🏻


I hear you about digging it all if you want to make the big score. A couple of examples I recollect from detectorists posts over the years.

1:-A long time detectorist was out in a playground using his high end detector he was with his grand daughter and he loaned her his entry level beep and dig machine. They were checking for targets in the sandy play area the veteran had notched out some of the lower targets. His grand daughter came along after him and scooped a $5,000 wedding ring.

2:-Another long time detectorist was detecting in a heavily hunted park and got a loud signal and decided to dig it. Turns out it was a flattened soda can, however, beneath it was a complete roll of silver quarters. He had proof other detectorists had passed over it as there were puncture holes in the flattened can from metal probes.

3:-A fellow on the Canadian forum using an entry level Bounty Hunter beep and dig machine managed a gold coin odds are other detectorists had passed over it as there was a rusted nail in the same hole.
Well there's a couple of things that certainly pop out, the biggest one is called...
Newbie Luck!
I guess it boils down to the newbie isn't jaded in detecting.
Dig anything and everything as it's all treasure and exciting.
As we go along we get more experience, lazier, older, and wiser (up for debate) so we get selective.

Back in the late 80's I tried my hand at digging for gold in the park setting.
Gold & Aluminum pull tabs were really close, and with the technology of those days one had to dig them.
So I set out, 100 tabs-no gold, then it was 150 tabs no gold, then I finally got a gold ring-but not after 400+ tabs.
Screw that, too much work for a gold ring that weighs a few grams.
So back to coin shooting and let the chips fall where they may.
Seemed like I was popping more gold just digging for coins than I was when digging tabs.
The beach is a different game, fast recovery, easy fill in, greater odds of a gold.
Yet one still digs a lot of crap.

Bill, number 3 is the one I can relate to. I was using teknetics Delta 4000 at the time and didn’t know how to discriminate. So, I dug everything. After I dug up yet another rusty nail, I checked the hole with my pinpointer and there was still something there. That’s how I found the only silver coin I have .


I must confess it gets very old mostly digging up rusty farm trash. That’s why I move on to other types of hunting.

That’s what I was trying to explain. Thanks for the pictorial. 👍🏻
Ok I just tried to undo a comment.
It was like backspacing and it disappeared-then the words that were corrected popped up and I just kept erasing by clicking the undo.
Then I ended up in my previous post where I quoted Bill.
So how far back can keep doing this?
I refreshed the page after I copied my post.
So there was the post-and right below was the half deleted post up about the Newbie luck as if I hadn't posted.
Strange-weird-bring back the simple

Cancel button option

Bill, number 3 is the one I can relate to. I was using teknetics Delta 4000 at the time and didn’t know how to discriminate. So, I dug everything. After I dug up yet another rusty nail, I checked the hole with my pinpointer and there was still something there. That’s how I found the only silver coin I have .

View attachment 1987733

I must confess it gets very old mostly digging up rusty farm trash. That’s why I move on to other types of hunting.
Where did you move to?

Ok I just tried to undo a comment.
It was like backspacing and it disappeared-then the words that were corrected popped up and I just kept erasing by clicking the undo.
Then I ended up in my previous post where I quoted Bill.
So how far back can keep doing this?
I refreshed the page after I copied my post.
So there was the post-and right below was the half deleted post up about the Newbie luck as if I hadn't posted.
Strange-weird-bring back the simple

Cancel button option
I got a better way! Just type what you mean the first time! No need to cancel!


i'll clean an small area of sites I hunt each visit ,usually. Then cherry pick after .

My better coin finds (though few) have had multiple non-desired target signals mixed in. With the lightest peep of something better. The oldest had small piece of wire , a piece of nail? Other piece.
Another had two nails facing heads up above it. Them nailheads act like coins to me , just not ring a ding for sure coins. But the hint of a high peep with them when the coil was wiggled just right is what had me dig.
Plenty of other detectorists had been over them over time.
I was not better than they were , just more desperate to find something old! l.o.l..

Ok I just tried to undo a comment.
It was like backspacing and it disappeared-then the words that were corrected popped up and I just kept erasing by clicking the undo.
Then I ended up in my previous post where I quoted Bill.
So how far back can keep doing this?
I refreshed the page after I copied my post.
So there was the post-and right below was the half deleted post up about the Newbie luck as if I hadn't posted.
Strange-weird-bring back the simple

Cancel button option
I mentioned this in the "new website" thread and suggested a change.... i think it was partly changed elsewhere.

Mornin all.

I have an idea of causation.

More than one rooster in a small flock is often cause for conflict.
In my case , always cause for conflict.
So , roosters get culled until one remains.

A clever rooster aware of such management goes Corporal Klinger.
Not to get a section #8 , but to blend in with the hens....Despite his appearance.
Morning RC... i never say Good morning to you for you always get here in my afternoon. :P

So... Good Morning... err or Good Afternoon rather. :)

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