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How to close the net.Found this video to be the most important aspect when trowing a cast net .I practiced this technique on a boat ramp in a couple feet of water so I could see How the net reacts.:)

Been throwing the cast net for bait since I was 12....almost everyday fishing in the fall and winter I will throw the net for ballyhoo. Every morning ill spend a couple hours getting bait. It is an art form, and takes awhile to master !!

I have the minature version of that cat bill.....she loves boxes as well !! She is such a handful....but we love her !! She was rampaging around at 4 am today !!

Disregard this post. This popped up on my page. Couldn’t figure out how to get it off. :laughing7::laughing7::laughing7::gold-watch:
Yes I have had the same challenging moments. Start a reply or quote, then change my mind and can’t get it to go away. I miss the cancel option. Or maybe I am missing it in the new format. The only fix I have found is to hit the back space and delete everything, then change the page and it goes away. Kind of a hassle.

Disregard this post. This popped up on my page. Couldn’t figure out how to get it off. :laughing7::laughing7::laughing7::gold-watch:
Used to be the cancel button option-now it's a head scratcher. :laughing7:

Over the past couple days Fishing buddies have spotted 2 Hugh striper schools headed my way. Gonna nail em tomorrow (70 degrees and,low winds). They should be w/in striking distance w/in a 15 minute boat ride :) This morning getting the boat All set up to rock & roll .Mostly trolling , with some live bait casting...🐟🐟🐟

Been throwing the cast net for bait since I was 12....almost everyday fishing in the fall and winter I will throw the net for ballyhoo. Every morning ill spend a couple hours getting bait. It is an art form, and takes awhile to master !!
Yeah its a lot of fun,can't believe I haven't gotten into it before now :BangHead:

Go get 'em!
Will try :) Its a big lake w/500 mile shoreline and Dozens of coves (between their last known position and me).But I'll bet they are headed to the Dam (Dam area far left of the 1st Pix.).....Pix. of some of it from 3,000 Ft.

That Merc 90 is bulletproof. Most reliable outboard ever built.
Yep this is my second 90 Merc. Their Great little Engines !:)

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