THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

We've been entertained with just using the iMac 27" screen.
Yet we have a 55" and a 60" Sony flat screens sitting in storage.
I put ht 60" onto the Chief mount last spring downstairs-but never got any further.

So over the weekend I dug out electronics to start the process of sorting hooking up the sound systems again.
Tossing/selling the extras as it just sits taking up room.

Denon/Onkyo amps, Bose surround system, Klipsch/Mordaunt/Paradigm speakers.:icon_scratch:

It's kind of crazy on the amount of investment we have put into these systems over the years-yet we watch the iMac.

I did hook up a set of external speakers for the Mac-gee the tunes are worth listening to now-well considering what we have been listening to for the last 8 yrs.:laughing7:

Bart (not our Bart , But the detector store Bart) is a good egg.
I see he's bumping lots of new member posts to welcome them.
My guess is he's either using something that automatically keys on new member , or is simply going down the thread.
Doubt highly that he's stalking Rook.
Hi RC :hello:

Does not the Queen stalk the Rook in another game?
Jumpy that Rook is, often hides behind another, gets ya when you least expect it.

Well, peeps, I will be starting my week arguing with tech support. Our internet router has been acting up for months. Tried to get my brother-in-law to just get us an upgrade. It is ran through the business and he is the only one authorized to make changes. He failed, called me with instructions and permission to lose my religion on them because he already lost his. LMAO! Must have been pretty bad, he's pretty good about taming his tongue and holding his temper.

There's a router , and a thing a ma bob....
I can unplug the one for ten seconds when the internet acess(our network) can't be found and plug it back in and it works.
That means the box needs replaced. Sorry I have no idea which thingie is which. But replacing both should fix it.
He said , wishfully.
I need to do something with it.

The company here has a near monopoly. And oddly seems tolerable about it.
Neighbor just replaced both his thingies.
Being we have to drive to thier distant sites is why both get replaced , in case we replace only one and it's the wr

Can I got back to my hunting property now?
No electricity.
No computer(s).
No t.v..
No address even.
My kind of tech....

Best of luck with your chat up with the tech company.
Seems that no matter how one tries to deal with a tech company it suck the life out of a person.
Phone them and it seems to be this magic 45 minute-1 hr of lost time to achieve anything.

Yet the world of tech keeps offering more data and they think it's great-200MB or unlimited.
Why the ARF would I want that when I use on the average 3MB a month-just lower my bill

What gets me is we purchase this every month and they start us off at zero every month.

I buy anything else in life use 5%-I have 95% left-:dontknow:

Don't get me going on this topic WD! :laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:
So, we have had this thing for 11 years. Told B-I-L its been going out for about a year and really bad the past couple weeks. They wouldn't take his word for it. I had to call so I could be on the phone with them while I unplugged it. It came back on, but since it is so old and I have had multiple outages, they are sending a new modem. Geeze Louise! That's what we asked for in the first place! Waste of time, IMO! :BangHead:

The world of high teck Sucks !
Replaced one of out TVs yesterday w/this and you need a PHD to get this thing fired up :BangHead: What ever happened to plug it in,and turn it on days ?
Oh boy! Does it run off the smart phone? Dad bought a new TV a few months ago. I had to set it all up. Go to turn it on and the remote is just a power button, and arrow buttons. Where's the numbers? WTH? Turns out it needs to be synced with a smart phone for the remote. Shiver me timbers! Dad still has an original flip phone! Well, we got it to work with cable. But, when he does pass (he's 90 ya know) I am gifting it to which ever kid is being a PITA at the moment. :laughing9:

Bart (not our Bart , But the detector store Bart) is a good egg.
I see he's bumping lots of new member posts to welcome them.
My guess is he's either using something that automatically keys on new member , or is simply going down the thread.
Doubt highly that he's stalking Rook.
I thinks it twas creaky digger, and uh, he may have a bro-crush. Just look at his avatar and rooks memes. ROFL! :laughing9: Just kidding guys!

We've been entertained with just using the iMac 27" screen.
Yet we have a 55" and a 60" Sony flat screens sitting in storage.
I put ht 60" onto the Chief mount last spring downstairs-but never got any further.

So over the weekend I dug out electronics to start the process of sorting hooking up the sound systems again.
Tossing/selling the extras as it just sits taking up room.

Denon/Onkyo amps, Bose surround system, Klipsch/Mordaunt/Paradigm speakers.:icon_scratch:

It's kind of crazy on the amount of investment we have put into these systems over the years-yet we watch the iMac.

I did hook up a set of external speakers for the Mac-gee the tunes are worth listening to now-well considering what we have been listening to for the last 8 yrs.:laughing7:
Now you are going to get me started. There is wiring going out the walls to the back porch. Ugly yellow things hanging there waiting to be hooked up to some mega sound system that would enable us to rock county. There's TV hook up on the bathroom wall. Seriously! (Careful how I say this/don't want to offend anyone) I do not need to watch TV in my bathroom!

There's a router , and a thing a ma bob....
I can unplug the one for ten seconds when the internet acess(our network) can't be found and plug it back in and it works.
That means the box needs replaced. Sorry I have no idea which thingie is which. But replacing both should fix it.
He said , wishfully.
I need to do something with it.

The company here has a near monopoly. And oddly seems tolerable about it.
Neighbor just replaced both his thingies.
Being we have to drive to thier distant sites is why both get replaced , in case we replace only one and it's the wr

Can I got back to my hunting property now?
No electricity.
No computer(s).
No t.v..
No address even.
My kind of tech....
LOL! I am the smarter tech in the house. And believe me, that's not saying much! Funny you mentioned the thingy mabob. Turns out I have been resetting it all week instead of the modem. Still I got a new one coming!

I could'nt manage without electricity or computer. I wouldn't be able to talk to you pirates! :love7:

Oh boy! Does it run off the smart phone? Dad bought a new TV a few months ago. I had to set it all up. Go to turn it on and the remote is just a power button, and arrow buttons. Where's the numbers? WTH? Turns out it needs to be synced with a smart phone for the remote. Shiver me timbers! Dad still has an original flip phone! Well, we got it to work with cable. But, when he does pass (he's 90 ya know) I am gifting it to which ever kid is being a PITA at the moment. :laughing9:
It seems things just get smarter, and smarter, and smarter.
While we age we just don't in so many ways.
K.I.S.S seems to be the thought of choice.
But oh no-keep us guessing-how do I do dat?

So, we have had this thing for 11 years. Told B-I-L its been going out for about a year and really bad the past couple weeks. They wouldn't take his word for it. I had to call so I could be on the phone with them while I unplugged it. It came back on, but since it is so old and I have had multiple outages, they are sending a new modem. Geeze Louise! That's what we asked for in the first place! Waste of time, IMO! :BangHead:
If I may, milady. Next time you want a part replaced? Don't tell them it's not working right. Tell them your pet elephant stepped on it and crushed it to powder.

That way, no wasted time on trying to "fix" something.

Now you are going to get me started. There is wiring going out the walls to the back porch. Ugly yellow things hanging there waiting to be hooked up to some mega sound system that would enable us to rock county. There's TV hook up on the bathroom wall. Seriously! (Careful how I say this/don't want to offend anyone) I do not need to watch TV in my bathroom!
I do. I like the reverse screen feature. Makes my feathers ruffle.

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Well I was bad. I fixed fried pork chops with mashed potatoes and gravy and beans. It was very good though. I’m going out to finish the rock garden and take pics of the treasures ( there’s a forum on here for it, so it counts) I found by doing this.

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