bill from lachine
Platinum Member
Good morning to the RCT gang.
Looking at the line-up of music-one would either love/hate the tribute. I will say a tad too heavy for my ears. Many nights over a period of a week-ouch!Pepperj I keep a close watch on the Iron Horse Saloon parking lot as I live on the other side of their chain link fence. I don't get much sleep at night due to the concerts rattling my windows. Ugh!
Going back to nearly 3 decades ago this was a sight and a memory to be hold.
Reading a news story about the plight of the virus in India-and the death toll has brought about a shortage of wood to do the cremations at the Ghats.
It was a very interesting stop in the travels as we spent a week there watching life at the bathing/washing/cremation Ghats.
The poor of the poor could only afford so much wood so the remains of the body(s) would be dumped into the Ganga River.
Now on a regular day the place goes through 80 tons of wood.
Out of respect for the dead many families leave the silver/gold on the body when cremated.
Some of the richest people are the ones that run the Ghats-the poorest are the untouchables that work there-born as one-die as one-the cast system.
What a life to be given-a corpse burner...
[h=3]Cremation Ghats of Varanasi[/h]
GMorn everbody, 37 above feels cool. 11-13 the headliner band, Victory underground is playing. There some of my extended family. I got my first guitar from there dad. Last year they played at the Stone in BellFouche. They’re pretty excited to be moving up the headliner list and playing on main.
Nowadays, the rally doesn’t do much for me, when I was 16, would tell my folks going to camp at lake and then we would “sneak” up for the weekend, it’s impossible for me to have that much excitement about it today but this is some motivation.
I thought about making a post like I’ve seen others do about going someplace and see how many go to the party....
15-2 15-4 and a double run for 12?..
.... ‘27 Indian scout, I wish..... I have a 2000 superX Henderson excelsior that I’ve never heard run. I’m thinking I’ll get to fire and ride it some.
Do you go to the rally?
Holy crud, I finally passed my drivers test!